This Sat. 7/6 Today I Learned: GIT Version Control for Non Coders (Writers, Lawyers, everyone!)

Just a reminder that you are welcome to join us this Saturday (7/6) at 2PM for Today I Learned: GIT Version Control for Non Coders (Writers, Lawyers, everyone!).

What is git anyway? “Git allows a team of people to work together, all using the same files. And it helps the team cope with the confusion that tends to happen when multiple people are editing the same files.” [source]

It is one of the primary ways that coders work together and one of the key tools in the development of open source software. Although it’s mostly used by coders, it has lots of potential uses for people who don’t code and is very useful for anyone who is learning to code. Check out this video for more on git’s relevance for non-coders.

We will be learning all about version control and trying it out ourselves! No prior knowledge is necessary.

This workshop is part of the series “Today I Learned,” a series of free workshops that take place every Saturday at 2PM at Sudo Room, a creative community and hackerspace in downtown Oakland. Check out the full schedule at and please forward widely.

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