Art in the Month of May

Hack the Planet!
Hack the Planet!

Ahoy mateys! There’s Art at SudoRoom!


Photo May 11, 21 00 04
now our cartoons are decorating the ceiling lights
Troy’s voltage regulator comic drawing
Photo May 11, 20 32 43
Collaboration with Troy

Photo May 11, 20 27 22

Photo May 11, 20 26 49
Making the little LEDs and Electronics parts HUMAN

Photo May 11, 17 06 47 Photo May 11, 16 23 02

Our first SudoRoom comic Jam!
3D print out of Maximilian Klein’s Lithograph : we made this during the comic jam
Photo May 11, 1 06 06
An Arduino case we downloaded from the internet…

3D lithograph printout
3D lithograph printout

collaboration! how many different members are coming together in this milliscope close-up of max’s 3D printout during our comic jam today

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