Sudoroom is Made of People (August 2024 Newsletter)

Our August 2024 newsletter (Still being updated as we speak)

Events this week at the Space

Sign up on our site – we are leaving!

Motto: Appropriate Technology

Appropriate technology reminds us that before we choose our tools and techniques we must choose our dreams and values, for some technologies serve them, while others make them unobtainable.

  • Rainbow Magazine, 1977

Hacking a Midi Controller

Shantea Controls hacked their midi controller to make rad music with help from Jake during hardware hack night!

Octavia Butler Theme with Open Source AI

After being stuck doing dozens of customer sentiment analysis and storefront chatbot examples, we decided to put the open-source and soul back into our Women & Non-Binary workshops with some Octavia Butler themes! Instead of mindlessly adding AI models, we also discussed the implications of open-source and transparency and read over some papers. Just about everyone was able to leave the evening with an open-source generative AI model and some code that ran whether they were on a Mac, windows or linux machine!

This upcoming Monday we continue for session two with RAG and vector databases!

Building a Virtual Reality SudoRoom on Open-Source

Visit us in virtual reality on your headset at – Chat with Romy if you want to contribute and learn A-Frame for open-source webXR

Introducing Speculative Design Workshops Involving our Neighborhood

We’re starting with a short but sweet remote meetup next Friday with an introduction to speculative design. Eventually these will move to in-house workshops led by talented UX designers involving projects like “body-storming”, exploring the diverse immigrant neighborhood of Oakland, and imagining new technologies beyond our wildest dreams!

Use AI to imagine walkable streets, electric scooters, and immigrant food stands to create a healthier, more locally focused, and just Oakland!

New Posts this week

Robots Came to Play at SudoRoom

Robots can be friends too! (from our last hardware hack night session) – The BEAM robot is up and running and you can see more robot projects as we update our Robot project page.

Project Pages

New project pages on various topics, please email us what you are working on!