Category: events (page 9)
Blast from the Past: Writing artsy hymns on Arduino!
Hot Scenes from a soldering
BACH 2014: First annual Bay Area Hackerspaces unconference this weekend!
Did you know Oakland is JavaScript city?
Meshing the Planet with Al & Griz from
Segway to a New Economy.
Mass Effect: A Night of Collectives
As you all know, SudoRoom is not a typical hackerspace… we go the extra mile to reach out to the community, and our interests cover not just tech but also social and community issues. We interact with dozens of other alternative economy worker’s cooperatives, hackerspaces, and non-profits in the East Bay and beyond (the world!). How does SudoRoom pool its energy with likeminded organizations? Join forces as one? The answer was found in the first January meeting of MASS EFFECT. As in “lots of energized, idealistic cooperatives get together and get down and party at SudoRoom… then hug, fall in love and eventually move in together and form even more amazing fruitful collaborations and do bigger, better things!
Basically: a rave for collectives! Harness the talent, innovation and history of the O.G. organizations, both young and old, to gather resources as one. And in the future possibly buying a building for all of us to work, play and live in! So many cooperatives in one space!
First Snake Party
We celebrated our first installment of the SudoRoom Snake Party, running the event right after the First Friday Oakland Art Murmur ended at nine o’clock.
The whole event was extremely collaborative, with creative spaces set up around the main room of SudoRoom. People donated art supplies, brought sewing machines so it felt like we were in creation Disneyland.
Big areas full of people painting on vinyl records, drum sets set up for jazz musician encounters, Elle Seven’s Ride World Wide played continuously, people drew wacky comics on large rolls of paper, free food donated, much drinking of SudoMate, and there were many cool conversations and connections all at once. The only thing missing was soldering stations–maybe we’ll throw that in again next time!
We plan to continue the Snake parties at the end of every Oakland Art Murmur.
See you at the next one in February 7, 2014 and contact us if you are interested in performing.