  • 39 discussions

Fwd: [sfchalkboard] The Bay Area Childcare Collective is looking for volunteers!
by yar
8 years, 9 months

Re: [Sudo-kids] is migrating - hang tight
by yar
9 years

9 years, 1 month

sudo-kids "Code Docent" idea
by Jeffrey Gordon
10 years

(no subject)
by john lunger
10 years, 4 months

Hi Everyone
by Carolyn Lunger
10 years, 8 months

From our landlord & future of sudo kids
by Marina Kukso
10 years, 8 months

From our landlord & future of sudo kids
by Marina Kukso
10 years, 8 months

Here is the Hackerscouts Kicker starter
by Carolyn Lunger
10 years, 8 months

teach my kids logic
by Carolyn Lunger
10 years, 8 months
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