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Blog (page 25)
Sudo Room “State of the Room” Dec. 7-9th: Weekend of Open House Activities
Please join Sudo Room, a hacker/creativespace in downtown Oakland, for a series…
Sudo Room’s New Wiki!
Mini-update: we’ve migrated content off the wiki on, now it’s time…
Art Murmur Clothes Hacking!
During the Oakland Art Murmur on September 7, 2012, sudoroom welcomed all…
Art, Clothes Hacking, and 3D Printer Demo in Downtown Oakland this Friday!
Hi there! Drop by Sudo Room during this month’s art murmur for…
Kick-Raiser Streaming Video!!!
Check out this live-stream people: Video streaming by Ustream
You’ve Got Stamp! (Bring Your Passport ;)
Though Sudo Room does not yet have a space, our official kick-off…
Server Migration
Howdy all, just moved the site over to a new server,…
Events Afoot!
New update: we’ve added a sweet calendar to track SudoRoom meetups and…
meeting this week
Since it is the holiday season, we may not have many folks…