Looking into the WiFi Controller... these things came up:
a) Found the time zone was set to "Casablanca". -It is possible that I
didn't change it during its initial set up. Now is set to Pacific ST.
b) The SNTP server was pointing to the manufacturer/vendor, so I changed it
to the one that I set on the switches ( This IP I grabbed it
from my home PON node, I assumed Meshers use it for a good reason. If you
feel that it should be changed it, please let me know.
c) I rebooted the WiFi controller.
d) Yar or whoever is doing the DHCP config/admin, may you please Reserve
this IP (c0:8a:de:1d:59:b6) at the DHCP Server? This IP was
assigned to the Ruckus WiFi Controller, during this reboot.
I have been online (Sudoroom area) for almost two hours and I haven't
experience any WiFi connectivity issues. I asked someone that is here, and
he said that been online for about five hours, and also has not noticed any
issues with the WiFi.
Speed Test show about 60Mbps/13Mbps.
May send more info later on.
On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 4:26 PM, danarauz(a) <danarauz(a)>
> I will come to omni in about two hours and check on the WiFi controller
> itself.
> On Friday, February 9, 2018, Ed Biow <biow(a)> wrote:
>> Just another data point. Using wifi in the basement on the triple core
>> Debian box I was getting disconnected from the internet every 5-10 minutes,
>> though the network manager claimed I was still connected. I had to
>> disconnect and reconnect to ping the world. I thought it was just me and
>> Linux's partial support for proprietary wireless chipsets, and spent a
>> couple of hours trying various newer kernels, firmware, compiling drivers,
>> etc., to no avail.
>> Last night I was on line for 7 hours or so and I don't think I was
>> disconnected at all, though a large file I was downloading seemed to drop
>> at one point (Kali Linux 2018.1 iso file, 2.9 GB). So the problem seems to
>> be mostly resolved for me, thanks Yar and others.
>> edlardo
>> On 02/09/2018 02:30 PM, Steve Leach wrote:
>> Wifi disconnections. It has been like this for about three months.
>> On Feb 9, 2018 2:23 PM, "Marc Juul" <marc(a)> wrote:
>> What do you mean by "disconnect"? Do you get disassociated from the wifi
>> or does your DHCP lease expire without a new lease being acquired or is
>> traffic just not going through for a while?
>> On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 12:32 PM, Steve Leach <stevenaleach(a)>
>> wrote:
>>> The problem persists. Three disconnects in the last two hours... It does
>>> seem like it's a whole lot worse with more users: for the last (two?
>>> three?) months that this has been going on, when there's lots of folks here
>>> I lose connection every few minutes while it might only be once or twice an
>>> hour early in the morning or very late at night when the building is nearly
>>> empty and I've even left my machine running overnight on multiple occasions
>>> since this started and found it still connected in the morning despite
>>> continuous disconnects throughout the day, so there does seem to be a
>>> relationship between disconnection frequency and the number of people
>>> connected.
>>> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 10:56 PM, danarauz(a) <danarauz(a)>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Folks,
>>>> A quick update.
>>>> HP switch x.x.64.212 (2nd Floor), and HP Switch x.x.64.213 (Server
>>>> area) had their time wrong, due that they couldn't reach their assigned
>>>> SNTP server. I set a new SNTP server (
>>>> Even though the time got updated without need of rebooting, I did that
>>>> anyways, hoping that the WiFi controller and APs get a fresh connection. I
>>>> am sorry if some of you went down for a moment.
>>>> Thanks, and please let me know how things are good or not yet.
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 8:22 PM, danarauz(a) <danarauz(a)>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Yar,
>>>>> I just sent you my pkey. I would check on the switches.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 7:05 PM, Marc Juul <marc(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Have any of you tried connecting using ethernet?
>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 6:59 PM, Dante Cassius <
>>>>>> exaltedunmelody(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm having the exact same problem as Steve and have tried every
>>>>>>> troubleshooting/configuration under the sun at this point. I told some
>>>>>>> friends about the internet woes and they seem to think it's the access
>>>>>>> points as well.
>>>>>>> Also I still can't connect to peoplesopen at all, regardless of
>>>>>>> where I am in the building.
>>>>>>> On Feb 8, 2018 4:19 PM, "Yardena Cohen" <yardenack(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 3:24 PM, Steve Leach <stevenaleach(a)>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > The problem did seem to be fixed yesterday, but the
>>>>>>>> disconnections are
>>>>>>>> > occurring again today and ramping up in frequency as the day
>>>>>>>> progresses.
>>>>>>>> > Three or four days ago the connection would be lost every five
>>>>>>>> minutes or
>>>>>>>> > so, yesterday I believe it was stable for the whole day for the
>>>>>>>> first time
>>>>>>>> > in months. This morning it was once every hour or two, now it's
>>>>>>>> about two or
>>>>>>>> > three times an hour.
>>>>>>>> I don't see anything unusual in the gateway logs. If anybody else
>>>>>>>> would like access, please send me an ssh key.
>>>>>>>> Since nothing on the gateway has changed since yesterday, what
>>>>>>>> you're
>>>>>>>> describing sounds less like a configuration issue and more like a
>>>>>>>> hardware problem, a memory leak, or just a machine running out of
>>>>>>>> resources. So it might not be the gateway. Maybe it's one of the
>>>>>>>> access points. Have you tried from different parts of the building?
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>>>> --
>>>> Daniel Arauz
>>>> Signal Messenger: 415.336.9143 <>
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>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>> Please donate to help Escuela Chajsaquil Recover From Flood <3
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>> +++++++++++++++++++sig hell+++++++++++++++++++
>> Edmund Joseph Biow
>> 328 Haddon Road
>> Oakland, California 94606(510) 763-0591 (dumb landline, no caller ID, answering machine in attic, generally monitored in morning)(415) 623-6473 (cell, I monitor the landline more frequently)
>> EMAILbiow(a) (personal) - biow(a) (political) - ejbiow(a) (large attachments) - ebiow(a) (bcc) ejbiow(a) (commercial)
>> IM (Instant Messaging, like text messaging but for computers)
>> (I recommend pidgin with the 'otr' encryption plugin as an instant message client) - ejbiow(a) - EdJBiow (AIM) - biow(a) - often "Gnudnik" on
>> Skype username: edmundbiow
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>> Once you set up PGP on your computer please import my public key into your local OpenPGP Key-Manager. The valid PGP keys for my biow(a) & biow(a) accounts can be downloaded
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>> An "easy" way to set up PGP on your computer is to download the free & open sources Thunderbird email client (available on Linux, Windohs & O$X) & install the EnigMail Add-On.…
>> Looking forward to exchange snooping-free messages with you & making the NSA spend mondo bucks to discover the secret of my bube's kartofel kugel recipe.
>> PGP Public Key for biow(a)
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>> 9sd9yw7q9vfqQ/yeNxt4fy3GgWuKIEmjHgdmlSA0gC5QYfA6yvhR0ejrwkV1K1F/
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>> +bt8uqFjVE8/b1jZdqVDfA/DgUJj2UPdP1gPnvUxv5VKQLRvOEbEnN+0aqvezty2
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>> QtBFEbJ8uZh8g6wAioZGjMEaZb+3KZy/Ys39Bye1gxqjuasz5A1Fe9fHAiKB5OZT
>> XRlXHHklAXMX+4QCG2epuDvWDmi8Fkl5movo2C09rjYAs2NthZiLDVoT2aMEOsuR
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>> cKuaMJnvySeLUouC8+LF7a8ePxmbfHvw
>> =gUK/
>> Is god willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god? - Epicurus (341-270 BCE)
>> _-^--^=-_
>> _.-^^ -~_
>> _-- --_
>> < >)
>> | That's all, folks! |
>> \._ _./
>> ```--. . , ; .--'''
>> | | |
>> .-=|| | |=-.
>> `-=#$%&%$#=-'
>> | ; :|
>> _____.,-#%&$(a)%#&#~,._____
> --
> Daniel Arauz
> Signal Messenger: 415.336.9143 <>
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Please donate to help Escuela Chajsaquil Recover From Flood <3
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Daniel Arauz
Signal Messenger: 415.336.9143 <>
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Please donate to help Escuela Chajsaquil Recover From Flood <3
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