Hi all,
I just threw several dozen bottles and cans in the recycling bins. If
someone wants to pick them out and cash them in, feel free!
There's a big blue recycling bin in CCL that I originally bought because
the Fermentation Station said they wanted more bottles. But inevitably, I'm
the one who winds up having to empty and clean that bin every week anyway.
Fermentation station empties the bin in CCL, that's great. If someone else
wants to come empty it on a regular basis, that's just fine with me too.
Just don't leave a mess for us to deal with afterwards. Please put all
non-refund recyclables in the small recycling bins, and all non-recyclables
in the black trash bin.
Hi all,
Jenny (CC'd) would love a thin slice of Kombucha starter to make a Xmas
card out of it. Do you guys have some to spare? Will anyone be around this
weekend? Otherwise she may drop by your meeting on Monday.
Hi Fermentation peeps,
Just wanted to give you a heads-up that we will be having an event in CCL
this evening at 7pm. So it would be really appreciated if the fermentation
meetup could wrap up a little early today, so we can start setting up the
space around 6:30.
We'll be hosting a vegan cheese & beer tasting for some of our IndieGogo
donors and members of the Real Vegan Cheese team. I would prefer not to
have random walk-ins during the event, but I expect there may be some
leftover beer and cheeses to taste afterwards.
Hi all!
How are you guys doing on collecting beer bottles - should we save all beer
bottles generated at the Omni for you? Or just throw them in recycling?
I'm planning to go buy some trash and recycling bins for Counter Culture
Labs - just wondering whether I should buy a separate one just for beer
bottles, so we can save them up for you.
If you already have a container where you're collecting bottles, just let
us know and we'll tell people to deposit bottles there (just don't expect
them to clean the bottles first, because that ain't never going to
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 9:17 PM, Rikke Rasmussen <
rikke.c.rasmussen(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A quick type-up of my notes for the evening - Stan, Alex, will you take
> responsibility for making sure they end up online somewhere (other than on
> the list archive)?
> 1) Our technical setup is good to go - temperature monitoring, logging and
> graphing all work, all components have been integrated, and Frank is
> assembling a deployable setup for next week.
> 2) We have two established cultures: one from Francisco's vinegar
> production, and one from Rikke's Three Stone Hearth strain. A batch of each
> was made on Aug 4th - 1.5L and 3L, respectively - both batches seemed very
> under-fermented (almost no yeasty flavor, little acidity, almost no sugar)
> upon tasting today, and had developed exceptionally thick pellicles for the
> relatively short duration of the fermentation. There was some discussion as
> to the possible explanations for this, and generally agreement that the
> most likely is the primary sugar source used (corn rather than cane), and
> the differing chemical composition of different sugars.
> 3) Alex purchased 8lbs of sugar for the project - thank you, Alex! =) We
> added 60g and 120g of pure white cane sugar to the 1.5L and 3L batches of
> kombucha from last week to boost the fermentation process - the immediate
> CO2 development and evolution of a distinct yeasty aroma indicates healthy
> cultures.
> 4) A potential line of inquiry that could be pursued with minimal analytic
> equipment would be the comparison across cultures of the influence of
> different sugar sources on the pellicle development, measured as the wet
> weight of the pellicle at time of sampling. Influence of sugar source
> (again across cultures) on pH would also be simple, as would the
> relationship of both characteristics to temperature profile.
> 5) Last, but not least, Alex will not be commuting through the East Bay on
> a weekly basis anymore, and wants to set up a Fermentation Station at
> Noisebridge. There is strong historical basis and social support for this
> project, and we anticipate that it will be well receive. As an initial test
> of this theory, we will prepare a 15L batch for the NB fundraiser on Aug
> 15th. For this purpose, we have taken 4lbs of sugar, the jar of oolong tea,
> and two buckets from our supplies at CCL. In addition, we will need to
> acquire (or bring from home for now): kombucha starter, a 2gal soup pot,
> something to stir with, a kitchen scale, filter cloth (muslin or similar),
> a bunch of bottles, caps and a capper, and possibly a dedicated mini fridge.
> That's everything on my notepad - anything to add, anyone?
> /Rikke
> On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Francisco Jimenez <
> francisco(a)tucanvinegars.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Rikke and friends of cross-pollination.
>> I first apologize all of you guys for no to be involved in all events and
>> mettings of the group but I need to say that I have a lot of things dealing
>> with at the same time, specially I am looking for a part time job plus
>> re-colated my vinegar workplace and some other thing consuming time and
>> energy.
>> I need to let you know guys that I brought a some glasses, a big mouth 1
>> gallon container and a scoby made out of a vinegration process and I think
>> it is interesting for us to work with it. I put it inside the refrigerato,
>> that one that it is alone at the Sudo kitchen. It is in a small glass
>> container at the refrigerator's door. I leveled it.
>> I going to be around the SR those days in the afternoon available if some
>> of you guys want to contact me for just talking about anything relate to
>> the colective.
>> Thank you very much all of you and I hope to see you on Monday,
>> Francisco
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: Monday 7/21 activity & followup
>> From: Rikke Rasmussen <rikke.c.rasmussen(a)gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, July 31, 2014 3:34 pm
>> To: Francesco Capodieci <fgcapo(a)gmail.com>
>> Cc: stan(a)ana.com, Francisco Jimenez <francisco(a)tucanvinegars.com>, Alex
>> Alekseyenko <alex.alekseyenko(a)gmail.com>, biohackers(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>> Awesome, Frank, thank you so much for the cross-pollination effort, and
>> my sincerest apologies for not being there in person to support said effort!
>> Speaking of cross-pollination, I went to the Counter Culture Labs meeting
>> last week - they are still very focused on building out their space and
>> attracting new members/projects to fill it, so they were very eager to
>> accommodate the Fermentation Station. That said, they do also have rent to
>> cover, so I made the agreement on our collective behalf that we would pony
>> up the cash for 2 reduced-rate memberships ($25, I believe...possibly only
>> $20, my notes are unclear) in return for a dedicated portion of the outer
>> space for our set-up.
>> As for SF Biohackers, Matt Harbowy (founding member and primary financial
>> baclker for CCL) also proposed that we could trek out to the Sunset to
>> check out his home lab - it could probably fit 10-12 folks in a meeting
>> situation, maybe 6-8 working in clusters...I've only seen it once about 6
>> months ago, so my memory is a little fuzzy, but it sounds like a sweet
>> setup, and may be worth checking out?
>> Last, but not least - I think we have the clear makings of 3 separate
>> sub-projects/groups that all tie together, focusing on 1) the gastronomical
>> aspects of kombucha/vinegar/beer/yogurt/kefir/etc. production (that would
>> looking at the correlations between environmental conditions and
>> chemical/flavor profiles), 2) the molecular aspects of same (such as
>> species identification and characterization, manipulating species
>> composition, looking at cellulose production, and engineering individual
>> species for specific chemical/nutritional/etc. profiles, and 3) the
>> technical development of bioreactors/cultivators for all of these awesome
>> microbes.
>> Anyhow. Sorry for being a total flake this week, will endeavor to do
>> better next week. See you on Monday!
>> /Rikke
>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 9:44 PM, Francesco Capodieci <fgcapo(a)gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I met with a couple of people from the following group who are
>>> interested coming to our meeting next Monday:
>>> http://www.meetup.com/SF-Biohackers-Meetup/
>>> <http://www.meetup.com/SF-Biohackers-Meetup/>
>>> They are interested not only in bioreactors but in genetically
>>> modifying kombucha yeast. We agreed to put ideas and research into a
>>> wiki. Stan, is Sudo Room's wiki a good place for this?
>>> I will have some progress on the (sensor -> arduino -> raspi -> web
>>> browser) setup to show next week.
>>> Frank
> _______________________________________________
> Biohackers mailing list
> Biohackers(a)lists.sudoroom.org
> https://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/biohackers
Hi lovely fermentation people,
In case you hadn't heard this yet, the landlord will have some people
working on the skylights in Counter Culture Labs on Tuesday.
This means that all valuable equipment and breakables (like your kombucha
cultures!) need to move away from underneath the skylights, so they don't
get destroyed by falling debris- preferably by this evening!
Furniture that can take a dent or two - like filing cabinets and desks -
can presumably stay in place. I believe the workers will be putting down
some tarps to catch antything that does come down. I believe no debris is
*supposed* to fall down, but you know how that works...
They will be working on the two skylights in CCL on Tuesday, the two in the
middle of the space on Wednesday, and the two in Sudo Room on Thursday. So
unless you don't mind shifting things around from day to day, you might
want to avoid all of those...
Five people met Monday early evening 7/7 at SuDo Room. We agreed to meet
weekly, Monday evenings, 5pm @ SuDo Room, 4799 Shattuck (OMNI Space),
Temescal District, North Oakland, SW Corner of 48th & Shattuck. For those
not yet aware, this is now where SuDo Room and other collectives are
collaborating. SuDo is in a much bigger room.
We agreed to work on fermentation projects. For now we are using the Sudo
Lists Biohackers mailman email list service. Meeting notes follow....
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: open source fermentation
From: "Alex Alekseyenko" <alex.alekseyenko(a)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, July 7, 2014 9:39 pm
To: francisco(a)tucanvinegars.com
"Rikke Rasmussen" <rikke.c.rasmussen(a)gmail.com>
stan(a)ana.com, "Francesco Capodieci" <fgcapo(a)gmail.com>
Our first goal is to set up a 5 gallon bucket and produce a delicious
beverage, monitoring the temperature the whole time
We can split this project into two parts:
- wetware
- electronics/software
Frank and I will handle the electronics and software (i.e. collecting,
storing, transmitting the data)
What do we need to get the physical setup going? I suspect between us we
probably have all the resources we need
Last Monday after the meeting one of the locking file cabinets was moved
against the wall and the brews were placed on top. On Monday this cabinet
was reconditioned with the help of Sean. Four additional keys were made
with one given to Sean. Ihave the master key and three copies.. Labels
were placed on some of the drawers. Food Not Bombs asked for use of one
drawer. One drawer remains to be allocated.
There is at least one more locking cabinet that needs reconditioning and
keys. Two other file cabinets don't presently have locks. These will be
moved next to each other.
Some of the SuDo brewers expressed a desire to make beer in September. We
will be bringing more equipment and sorting through what is already in the
closet. Locally made beer will help give more buzz to the Fermentation
The name "Fermentation Station" gets a positive reaction from people at
other hacker spaces.
The bottled Kombucha at NoiseBridge was much appreciated and much talked
about. The last bottles in the fridge were consumed Friday evening.
In July I had no difficulty subscribing to the biohackers mailing list.
Posts from non subscribers are being accep subscription or other uses.
Please include the "biohacking" list when sending out these notices. It
is ok to cc people in addition. New participants should subscribe.
"Fermentation Station & Biohacking @SuDoRoom"
All postings to this list are archived on a public web site.
To subscribe to this mailing list:
The BioHacmers list was inactive from December 2013 to June 2014.
Currently 41 people are subscribed.
View list archives here:
Biohackers list is run by juul(a)labitat.dk, ryan.bethencourt(a)gmail.com. If
you have problems subscribing, send them email.
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Fermentation Station Meeting Notes
From: "Jesse Meade" <ms_meade(a)yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, August 27, 2014 7:06 pm
To: "psifi57(a)gmail.com" <psifi57(a)gmail.com>
"francisco(a)tucanvinegars.com" <francisco(a)tucanvinegars.com>
"rikke.c.rasmussen(a)gmail.com" <rikke.c.rasmussen(a)gmail.com>
"pliable_protest(a)gmail.com" <pliable_protest(a)gmail.com>
"stan(a)ana.com" <stan(a)ana.com>
Station Meeting Note
for coming to the meeting August 25th. I'm very inspired
by this group. We have long and short term plans. I look forward to
seeing this expand.
are the notes.
* continuous process for efficient production of goods
* should we ever consider licensure?
* want to use temperature sensor to monitor changes in the brew
* importance of labeling dates and types of brews
* imagine a possible cleaning station and protocol. Iodine cleaning
solution is 12.5
* Counter Culture Labs is supportive
* send our meeting notes to bio-hackers website so all people have open
access to read about or collective
* should we have an informational wiki and/or binder. This might include
meeting notes, recipes, experiments, wish list... ect.
* Potential partnership with Noisebridge
* Call for the following: bottle washer for long neck recycled beer
bottles, Fermentation Station logo, new florescent tubes for closet
space, shelving, one gallon glass jars, bulk tea.
* Near future we will be donation based
* Mid September goal: Two five gallon buckets produced weekly
* Possibilities for refrigeration
* can we move to the down stairs kitchen?
Also come join us this Friday at 7 for our monthly General Meeting. Free
pizza & beer, awesome building, cool science & great people to chat with!
CCL General Meeting: Beer, Pizza, Science, Building Tours & Painting!
Just let us know if there will be a large contingent of you showing up, so
we can order some more nosh & brews (or just bring some more beer!)
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd(a)gmail.com>
> Hi Fermentin' Folks!
> Counter Culture Labs is now *accepting memberships*
> <https://counterculturelabs.org/join/>! And we even set up a special
> offer for folks interested in food science and instrumentation...
> Our basic introductory *"Founding Membership" is $75/mo* while we are
> setting up our new lab space. But we would also like to offer the use of
> our space for food science projects and other work such as electronics that
> do not require use of a BioSafety Level 1 lab or hazardous materials, for a
> temporary low membership rate (including full voting rights) of *$20 a
> month*.
> This rate will be available on a month-to month basis at least through
> September, and we will give a month’s notice when the rate is about to
> change. Once the lab is up and running, we will still have a lower non-lab
> rate at no more than half the full membership rate. In addition, we also
> plan to set up a system where people can apply for sponsorship.
> *> > https://counterculturelabs.org/join/
> <https://counterculturelabs.org/join/> < <*
> We are also scheduling new science meetups for the coming month. Would any
> of you like to run a joint meetup with us on Kombucha and/or other brewing
> projects (vinegar, beer, kefir,...)? You could do a practical hands-on demo
> and/or taste testing, talk about sensors, etc. - and we could complement
> that with some of the hard-core microbiology and biohacking ideas!
> Thanks!
> Patrik
As of today, we've rebooted kombucha production at Noisebridge: two 15L
batches of oolong tea kombucha (of Three Stone Hearth origin) have been
started by Alex, Frank and myself, and are now sitting in white buckets on
top of the lockers by the East Wall. We hope they'll be ready to serve up
in time for the big opening on the 15th - fingers crossed!
I'll post this to the Noisebridge kombucha wiki sometime tomorrow.
On Aug 12, 2014 10:52 AM, "Francisco Jimenez" <francisco(a)tucanvinegars.com>
> Hi all,
> For me it was a very interesting experience making cambucha. It is my
> first time doing that, and the tecnic that I use doing banana o apple cider
> vinegar is totally different that we are doing with cambucha.
> In the next soon feature, I would like to explore the cambucha tecnic
> making, making vinegars and the idea is making a banana or any kind of
> fruit started for making vinegars.
> Thank your very much all you guys for this tremendous exchange of
> knowledge and sense of collective fermentation at Sudo.
> Sincerely,
> Francisco
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Fermentation Station Aug 11th 2014 meeting notes
> From: Rikke Rasmussen <rikke.c.rasmussen(a)gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, August 11, 2014 9:17 pm
> To: Francisco Jimenez <francisco(a)tucanvinegars.com>
> Cc: Francesco Capodieci <fgcapo(a)gmail.com>, stan(a)ana.com, Alex
> Alekseyenko <alex.alekseyenko(a)gmail.com>, biohackers(a)lists.sudoroom.org
> Hi all,
> A quick type-up of my notes for the evening - Stan, Alex, will you take
> responsibility for making sure they end up online somewhere (other than on
> the list archive)?
> 1) Our technical setup is good to go - temperature monitoring, logging and
> graphing all work, all components have been integrated, and Frank is
> assembling a deployable setup for next week.
> 2) We have two established cultures: one from Francisco's vinegar
> production, and one from Rikke's Three Stone Hearth strain. A batch of each
> was made on Aug 4th - 1.5L and 3L, respectively - both batches seemed very
> under-fermented (almost no yeasty flavor, little acidity, almost no sugar)
> upon tasting today, and had developed exceptionally thick pellicles for the
> relatively short duration of the fermentation. There was some discussion as
> to the possible explanations for this, and generally agreement that the
> most likely is the primary sugar source used (corn rather than cane), and
> the differing chemical composition of different sugars.
> 3) Alex purchased 8lbs of sugar for the project - thank you, Alex! =) We
> added 60g and 120g of pure white cane sugar to the 1.5L and 3L batches of
> kombucha from last week to boost the fermentation process - the immediate
> CO2 development and evolution of a distinct yeasty aroma indicates healthy
> cultures.
> 4) A potential line of inquiry that could be pursued with minimal analytic
> equipment would be the comparison across cultures of the influence of
> different sugar sources on the pellicle development, measured as the wet
> weight of the pellicle at time of sampling. Influence of sugar source
> (again across cultures) on pH would also be simple, as would the
> relationship of both characteristics to temperature profile.
> 5) Last, but not least, Alex will not be commuting through the East Bay on
> a weekly basis anymore, and wants to set up a Fermentation Station at
> Noisebridge. There is strong historical basis and social support for this
> project, and we anticipate that it will be well receive. As an initial test
> of this theory, we will prepare a 15L batch for the NB fundraiser on Aug
> 15th. For this purpose, we have taken 4lbs of sugar, the jar of oolong tea,
> and two buckets from our supplies at CCL. In addition, we will need to
> acquire (or bring from home for now): kombucha starter, a 2gal soup pot,
> something to stir with, a kitchen scale, filter cloth (muslin or similar),
> a bunch of bottles, caps and a capper, and possibly a dedicated mini fridge.
> That's everything on my notepad - anything to add, anyone?
> /Rikke
> On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Francisco Jimenez <
> francisco(a)tucanvinegars.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Rikke and friends of cross-pollination.
>> I first apologize all of you guys for no to be involved in all events and
>> mettings of the group but I need to say that I have a lot of things dealing
>> with at the same time, specially I am looking for a part time job plus
>> re-colated my vinegar workplace and some other thing consuming time and
>> energy.
>> I need to let you know guys that I brought a some glasses, a big mouth 1
>> gallon container and a scoby made out of a vinegration process and I think
>> it is interesting for us to work with it. I put it inside the refrigerato,
>> that one that it is alone at the Sudo kitchen. It is in a small glass
>> container at the refrigerator's door. I leveled it.
>> I going to be around the SR those days in the afternoon available if some
>> of you guys want to contact me for just talking about anything relate to
>> the colective.
>> Thank you very much all of you and I hope to see you on Monday,
>> Francisco
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: Monday 7/21 activity & followup
>> From: Rikke Rasmussen <rikke.c.rasmussen(a)gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, July 31, 2014 3:34 pm
>> To: Francesco Capodieci <fgcapo(a)gmail.com>
>> Cc: stan(a)ana.com, Francisco Jimenez <francisco(a)tucanvinegars.com>, Alex
>> Alekseyenko <alex.alekseyenko(a)gmail.com>, biohackers(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>> Awesome, Frank, thank you so much for the cross-pollination effort, and
>> my sincerest apologies for not being there in person to support said effort!
>> Speaking of cross-pollination, I went to the Counter Culture Labs meeting
>> last week - they are still very focused on building out their space and
>> attracting new members/projects to fill it, so they were very eager to
>> accommodate the Fermentation Station. That said, they do also have rent to
>> cover, so I made the agreement on our collective behalf that we would pony
>> up the cash for 2 reduced-rate memberships ($25, I believe...possibly only
>> $20, my notes are unclear) in return for a dedicated portion of the outer
>> space for our set-up.
>> As for SF Biohackers, Matt Harbowy (founding member and primary financial
>> baclker for CCL) also proposed that we could trek out to the Sunset to
>> check out his home lab - it could probably fit 10-12 folks in a meeting
>> situation, maybe 6-8 working in clusters...I've only seen it once about 6
>> months ago, so my memory is a little fuzzy, but it sounds like a sweet
>> setup, and may be worth checking out?
>> Last, but not least - I think we have the clear makings of 3 separate
>> sub-projects/groups that all tie together, focusing on 1) the gastronomical
>> aspects of kombucha/vinegar/beer/yogurt/kefir/etc. production (that would
>> looking at the correlations between environmental conditions and
>> chemical/flavor profiles), 2) the molecular aspects of same (such as
>> species identification and characterization, manipulating species
>> composition, looking at cellulose production, and engineering individual
>> species for specific chemical/nutritional/etc. profiles, and 3) the
>> technical development of bioreactors/cultivators for all of these awesome
>> microbes.
>> Anyhow. Sorry for being a total flake this week, will endeavor to do
>> better next week. See you on Monday!
>> /Rikke
>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 9:44 PM, Francesco Capodieci <fgcapo(a)gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I met with a couple of people from the following group who are
>>> interested coming to our meeting next Monday:
>>> http://www.meetup.com/SF-Biohackers-Meetup/
>>> <http://www.meetup.com/SF-Biohackers-Meetup/>
>>> They are interested not only in bioreactors but in genetically
>>> modifying kombucha yeast. We agreed to put ideas and research into a wiki.
>>> Stan, is Sudo Room's wiki a good place for this?
>>> I will have some progress on the (sensor -> arduino -> raspi -> web
>>> browser) setup to show next week.
>>> Frank