  • 9 participants
  • 7016 discussions

volunteers wanted for Omni eco exchange, Saturday april 27
by Paige P
1 week, 2 days

wheeeeee did my first virtual reality capture of sudoroom in webxr
by Romy Ilano
1 week, 3 days

Safety Volunteers at SUDO/OMNI
by William Myers
2 weeks, 1 day

tuesday hardware hack night was magical!
by Romy Ilano
2 weeks, 2 days

tool lending request for car repair
by Paige P
2 weeks, 2 days

Yeah! tons of new folks coming to hardware hack night for the first time tonight!
by Romy Ilano
2 weeks, 2 days

I forgot how to turn on the lights again!
by Romy Ilano
2 weeks, 3 days

I'm psyched to return to Hardware Hacking Tuesdays!
by Romy Ilano
2 weeks, 4 days

Upcoming night this Tuesday hardware hacking night - strictly light projection for me!
by Romy Ilano
2 weeks, 4 days

Next Tuesday hardware hack night - themed VR + AI as well!
by Romy Ilano
2 weeks, 5 days
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