Hi sudoers.
Hardware hacknight will be happening tonight at sudo room starting at 7 pm.
Last week:
* An old laser was torn down into its useful components
* Some folks repaired a broken stereo amplifier
* Some of us opened up an old Macintosh SE/30 and got rw access to the
ancient 60 MB harddrive from a modern linux PC, then set up System 7.5 in
an emulator and attempted to talk to the old Mac over serial
* We'll be trying to get the old mac browsing the modern web and set up at
sudo room's front table.
* We'll attempt to turn two broken very high pressure syringe pumps (HPLC)
into a single working one.
* <insert your project here>
Come hang out!
Mask required at all times when indoors and vaccination required (proof of
vaccination not required). If you want to eat you must do so outside (last
week we had a pizza break out on the sidewalk).
There's a new doorbell on the front door that should get our attention in
case you don't have an access card.