Walking distance from the Omni; very community and family oriented event;
much more intimate and less commercial than the giant San Mateo Maker Faire.
Counter Culture Labs will be there. Anyone else?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: East Bay Mini Maker Faire <info(a)ebmakerfaire.com>
Date: Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 7:45 PM
Subject: Early Bird ticket prices end Monday // Last Call also for Makers
To: info(a)biocurious.org
Prices go up Monday at midnight for the East Bay Mini Maker Faire 2017
Show and tell in Oakland on Sunday, October 22nd!
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Get your Early Bird tix now—prices go up Monday @midnight Just a reminder
for East Bay Mini Maker Faire fans that now is the best time to grab your
for our massive and wonderful Show&Tell&Make coming up in Oakland on
Sunday, October 22nd. Prices go up at 11:59 PM on Monday the 18th.
Amazing things will be waiting for you on October 22nd:
- *autonomous vehicle racing *with the DIYRobocars community—plus a talk
on this by Chris Anderson
- Crazy great *20' LaserMaze* by Benicia Makerspace
- *"ChickenVR"*—a virtual reality experience of a chicken coop by Black
Pine Circle maker club
- A chance to try *welding* with Young Sparks Foundation
- Full-tilt *dance battle* hosted by TURFinc
So much more taking shape. STAY TUNED for regular content updates by
following us on Facebook
or Instagram
or Twitter
See you October 22nd!
—the East Bay Mini Maker Faire team
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*Also.. Last Call for Exhibitors and Presenters!!* We still have room for
a few more cool exhibits, as well as Dark Room pieces. Also looking for
talks for our *Maker Skillz* room—any kind of "getting started" or
Maker tech talks.
All you need to do to indicate your interest is complete the form here on
our Call for Makers
If you have questions or ideas that you'd like to talk through, please get
in touch by writing makers(a)ebmakerfaire.com <+makers(a)ebmakerfaire.com>om>. We
are here to flesh out your ideas and answer your questions!
But don't delay—the window is closing for us to consider and place new
makers, so fill out the form ASAP.
*East Bay Mini Maker Faire is independently organized and operated by Park
Day School under license from Maker Media, Inc.
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