Hi Art/Tech/Science Folks -
I wanted to share with you two last minute events the end of the week. Would love to see
some of you.
THURSDAY ArtBuzz: Games about the Art World6:30 - 9:00 Betti Ono in Oakland (BART
friendly)Basically these are drinking games for the art community to laugh at themselves.
Free if you use my code DanielleFriend
THURSDAY - SATURDAYLeonardo Art Science Technology (LAST) ExpoThe Lab in San
FranciscoHighlight - Symposium Saturday 10/25 2 - 6 pmSpeakers' biographies: Chris
McKay, Bruno Olshausen, Christine Peterson, Charles Chiu, Piero Scaruffi
Introduction by Leonardo ISAST
2:45pm Bruno Olshausen (Redwood Institute for Neuroscience) on Neuroscience
3:30pm Christine Peterson (Foresight Institute) on Nanotechnology
4:15pm Charles Chiu (UCSF School of Medicine) on Infectious Diseases and the Ebola
5:00pm Piero Scaruffi (Author) on Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity2:00pm Chris
McKay (NASA Ames) on Space Exploration and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Anyways, I hope you can make it! Please share with your communities.
Danielle Siembieda