On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Whitney Lawrence <whitneyel3(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Submitted for review.
3. I would like these plans to be reviewed this week to be fully prepared
for installation early next week.
Whitney came and talked to me before yesterday's meeting and told me
he'd like to start work tonight at 6pm, and expects the whole project
to take several days with many Sudoers pitching in menial labor. I
added this to the meeting notes, but it had still not been discussed
when I biked home at 10pm in a sleepy stupor, and according to the
posted notes, was not discussed afterwards either.
Work cannot yet begin until the plans are 1) signed off by a certified
electrician, and then 2) approved by the landlord.
I have heard many mentions of hypothetical electricians but none has
materialized. Cere has mentioned Dave Petroli, we'll see if he
responds to our emails. If you have any other leads, now is the time.
Please don't be shy about sending them this link to review ASAP and
asking for an email "ok":
This slipped through the cracks because core organizers are overworked
with many things and we really need more people to take ownership and
leadership for crucial boring tasks. But anyway, there is a remote
chance that we can cut through the red tape by tonight if we hustle.
4. Last weekend, Hol and I went to Home Depot to get
supplies for Phase 1. I
request reimbursement of $348.02 for materials. I have the receipt and will
present to whomever would like a copy.
We already approved this expense, so I believe someone just needs to
write a check now. I have an email copy of the receipt I can fwd. Who
can do that? Thanks!