Dear Kopimists and the People who Love Them.
For the featured Filo delicacy for Friday Filosophy, we will have potato burekas.
I propose we talk about the difference between source code, object code, and executable code in regards to 1st Amendment protection. In other words, when is code speech and when is it a speech-act subject to less legal protection?
Below is an excerpt from an essay by Lee Tien, a brilliant EFF attorney for more than a decade, on Software as Speech (2000). These two …
[View More]paragraphs are in the section: Viruses and other "dangerous" software.
Of course, as always, we can talk about whatever else. Such as conscience and the unconscionable, perhaps.
Lee Tien, Publishing Software as a Speech Act, Vol. 15 Berkeley Tech. Law Journal (2000)
> Let’s return to the virus hypothetical.192 The main concern lies in the fact that the software may be “diverted” toward unlawful purposes, regardless of the speaker’s intent. This concern is, however, not unique to software. It also applies to other types of information usable for mischief or harassment, whether highly technical like information about nuclear weapons, or utterly mundane like a person’s name, address or telephone number.
> Even if the virus author merely posts the source code and fails to release it in active form, the issue remains whether the posting was done with an intent to communicate. If the author claims that she intended it to communicate, we would need to examine the context to decide the plausibility of that claim. There will often be a plausible claim. There is no question that people study viruses and other dangerous software in order to prevent or relieve harm.193 One way to control a virus is to publish its source code so that systems operators can disable or protect against it. Communicating a virus’ source code as part of such an effort qualifies as a speech act because the publisher intends to communicate how the virus works in a conventional way. In fact, one could imagine entire journals or Internet sites devoted to viruses and other dangerous software.194 When such publications aim to alert the world to these dangers, their intent is clearly communicative.
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To: Everyone interested in receiving Art murmur related posts please
sign yourselves up to the new Art Murmur mailing list:
Say you have two houses near each other that want to share their Internet
connections with eacth other as one wireless node.
So, for example, they could both connect to Neighborhood WIFI and get a
connection that uses their combined bandwidth.
How is this possible? What's the best way to set this up so that other
houses could join in and share their bandwidth as well.
Hi Sudoers,
I've received some inquiries about when we could do a second batch of sudo shirts. Herein I will lay the groundwork for such shirts to happen.
First of all, today I was struck with a very simple sudo shirt design, which combines a few ideals that I've developed from my time screen printing: Using a colored shirt, minimizing ink use through tactful shirt color choice, creating focus from the graphical elements instead of the text. Also since this design would be a one-screen …
[View More]design, it would be ideal for doing an in-house screen printing workshop using water based inks (another environmentally superior decision), not to mention the possibility of keeping the screen on location for impromptu sudo prints.
This design is not actually the original sudo-button .svg that goes around. I modified this one (attached) to enhance the lines, fix a couple corner-jag issues, and to tweak some of the sides to be more parallel.
I'm pretty sure the edges are not all "perfectly parallel" here, and if we have any illustrator gurus on the list, that might be a cool thing to do. That said, this is a more precise sudo logo than we've had before, let me know if the subtle imperfections were cherished and I can revert this design. (Btw- What's the constellation depicted? Any?)
I and other sudo members have volunteered to donate the labor involved in producing these shirts, which would bring the price down to "cost", which will be $4.55 per shirt (American Apparel runs more expensive, but has some good-labor practices, so unless there's another preferred manufacturer, it seems the morally superior choice for now).
I donated the previous batch of shirts, but I'm currently donating what I can per month in dollars, so I'd like the Sudo Room's help to buy the blank shirts. If resold at $20 each, there would be a 339% profit on each shirt sold, which is probably a good thing to ask, since it doesn't require change, and it's a fundraising shirt anyway.
So: How's support for this design, and at $4.55/shirt, how many would we like Sudo Room to stock up on?
When the time to print comes around, I'll organize the volunteer effort, thanks for all the offers I've received!
-Dan Finlay
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Check out Basically there are skills badges that kids earn by
photographing there work and adding it to there profile. There are great
instructationals for inspiration to satisfy the requirements for each badge.
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:17 PM, <sudo-discuss-request(a)>wrote:
> Send sudo-discuss mailing list submissions to
> sudo-discuss(a)
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://…
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> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> sudo-discuss-request(a)
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> sudo-discuss-owner(a)
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of sudo-discuss digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Youth engagement ideas via Ace Monster (Vicky Knox)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 12:17:48 -0800
> From: Vicky Knox <vknoxsironi(a)>
> To: Sudo Room discuss <sudo-discuss(a)>
> Subject: [sudo-discuss] Youth engagement ideas via Ace Monster
> Message-ID:
> <CAPwEF4pgqerzTgkPk6GrgEUbrNnkqGda=
> j7fw1_B7g1wwYN-xw(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hey people!
> During Oakland Wiki's hackerspaces-themed editathon last Sunday, I worked
> on the Ace Monster page, and through that discovered "Hacker Scouts", an
> amazing mentorship program for young people interested in hacking stuff.
> Today while lurking Ace Monster's discuss listserv, I ran into a great
> convo on it. If you are interested in developing a youth engagement program
> at Sudo Room, these people would definitely be great allies and provide
> good solid insight. There already seems to be a collaboration going between
> them and Mothership Hackermoms.
> (Message 10 is quite beautiful.)
> V
> 7. Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen! (Samantha Cook)
> 8. Re: Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen!
> (Al Jigong Billings)
> 9. Re: Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen!
> (Christopher Cook)
> 10. Re: Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen! (Samantha Cook)
> 11. Re: Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen! (Lyra)
> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 14:44:22 -0800
> From: Samantha Cook <sam(a)>
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Subject: [AMTD] Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen!
> Message-ID:
> <
> CANqT_TeD+Q7fxfvA7CpseFmFw9sVZbeT9SE+HkrMUGp0-Fug9A(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Dear Friends,
> We have an amazing teen at Hacker Scouts who is trying to fund his
> ambitious and amazing project for this year's Maker Faire. Cameron is a 17
> year old, homeschooled guy that paints, plays with lightning, makes
> electronic mechanical contraptions, writes computer programs, and
> builds/fixes computers.His project, the TARDIS tesla is very cool and
> ingenious in it's design and entertainment capabilities.
> We are proud to be helping Cam reach his Maker Faire goal. As a member of
> our Hacker Scouts Guild 001 in Oakland, we have the privilege of seeing him
> work on a variety of projects with precision, ingenuity and passion. He
> also mentors the younger members of the Guild with compassion and a cool
> ability to share knowledge. Between the Hacker Scouts mentors and his
> mentors at Arc Attack, he has the support to achieve his dream. We believe
> in him and his TARDIS Tesla, and ask you to contribute to his
> campaign<>.
> You can find his fundraising page here<
> >,
> and our article about it on the Hacker Scouts
> Website<>.
> Even if you can't contribute, will you help out by sharing this?
> Thank you so much for your time,
> Samantha Cook, homeschooling mom of 3 and Executive Director, Hacker Scouts
> --
> web:
> email: info(a)
> twitter: @hackermoms
> eavesdrop: mothershiphackermoms(a)
> facebook:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 09:40:38 -0800
> From: Al Jigong Billings <albill(a)>
> To: AMT General Discussion <discuss(a)>
> Subject: Re: [AMTD] Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen!
> Message-ID: <A3A6AE14-8A6F-4DCE-9CFE-3E949ACA758E(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I contributed. I encourage others to do the same.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 09:56:15 -0800
> From: Christopher Cook <ccook(a)>
> To: AMT General Discussion <discuss(a)>
> Subject: Re: [AMTD] Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen!
> Message-ID:
> aFQa10FTU_cRaUh9HbPrAbQ(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Yeah Cam has brought his Tesla coil into the space a few times to show it
> off, impressive stuff. I think he and Costa worked together on the laser
> cutter to build the control panel for it.
> --------
> Message: 10
> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 09:58:52 -0800
> From: Samantha Cook <sam(a)>
> To: AMT General Discussion <discuss(a)>
> Subject: Re: [AMTD] Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen!
> Message-ID:
> <
> CANqT_TcpoN2azsv3X5TFn+9Xc22umEGSDBW6EXOEby7wvs_rTg(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Thank you! Last night he was speaking so enthusiastically about his
> project; I hope we can help him achieve his goal! If anyone is interested
> in the current Tesla Coils he has, he will be bringing them to the next
> Open Lab on 2/17. Sam
> --
> web:
> email: info(a)
> twitter: @hackermoms
> eavesdrop: mothershiphackermoms(a)
> facebook:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 10:24:44 -0800
> From: Lyra <elevin(a)MIT.EDU>
> To: AMT General Discussion <discuss(a)>
> Subject: Re: [AMTD] Maker Faire Fundraiser for Hacker Scout Teen!
> Message-ID:
> <
> CAKTip2e5q0kOtPVTkEp_-8fqnNyhFLcFtUXLoYvQm388sLTWeA(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Shared and shown off. Encouraging ambition like this is one of the best
> things we can do for the world - Cthulu knows we need more Doctors and Mad
> Scientists!
> <3
> L
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I spoke a little about DIY Bio with the person who is organizing a bio
entrepreneurship presentation / pitching / networking event next Thursday
evening and she said people could join in the pitch session if desired or
simply come to network. It will be big-data and
French/Bay-investment/incubation focused so I am intrigued by the potential
of a group of hackers showing up adhering to an unconventional-to-audience
route to impact (open, decentralized development) and considering
unconventional …
[View More]project ideas. Not just the potential for lulz, since the
relevant tech media will be there.
Let me / us know if you'd like to get a DIY Bio / sudo room group together
to do a semi-formal brief introduction of the groups and the projects being
worked on.
Event details are here:…
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Hello All,
Sudomate Meeting at Sudo Tuesday April 16 at 7pm
Corney Keg and regulator purchased today. With any luck we should be
brewing our first trials - the beta batch. Will need tasting guinea pigs.
Remember to bring the following bits, and bottles if you have them.
> Agenda:
> Naomi Spices
> Ray Burner
> Ari Bottling, Corney Keg and
> Max Mate
Seems obvious, but I don't think people realize how cheap we can get
thinkpads... thinkpads also last a long time, using superior electronics
components,hinges and other hardware.…
If anyone wants to know how to buy thinkpads, I'm willing to sit down with
people and find them cheap computers for hacking.
Rusty Lindgren
so my boss this morning suddenly remembered the VM and immediately shut it
down like he said he wouldn't. It is back on now but this means it's time
to move it.
Let me know what I can do to help facilitate a quick move.