Hey all,
I wanted to reach out for some feedback. Seeking folks who would want to
facilitate or participate in a men's group.
I've previously participated in small groups like this and found them
beneficial for various reasons. I would like to see if folks have had
similar or different experiences.
The way I'm thinking about this would culminate in something like a regular
meeting for men in the sudo room community to discuss relevant issues
including those of identity, oppression, privilege,…
[View More] patriarchy, gender,
sexuality, stereotypes, safe space, and mutual support.
This may not be the best or even a viable path to approach these topics,
but I wanted to throw it out there to see if there is any interest.
[View Less]
so i guess sudoroom (and CCL too probably) need some new lights, since the
flourescents are failing.
Home Despot sells 11-watt "warm white" bulbs for $9 each, which would be a
good idea if we had regular lamp sockets to screw bulbs into...
but china can always do better. I looked on Ali Express and sorted by
customer satisfaction, looking for LED lighting in "downlights" which
suggests lamps shining downward?
[View More]these look good but the seller rating is only 97.4%:
they seem to be "16 to 21" watts for $6.95 including shipping. They offer
"warm" and "cold" flavors so we could just get a mix of the two kinds, for
something in the middle when they're all on.
here is the search i was doing:
this one is also a good price, and the seller rating is higher (98.1%)
ultimately i have higher confidence in the quality of something we buy
from Cree at Home Despot, but I think we should give China a chance and
buy a few of the "16 to 21 watt" ones and see how they compare.
For reference, Cree (a reputable company) and other LED bulbs sold at Home
Despot are called "60 watt replacement" bulbs while actually using 9 to 11
watts. The light fixtures presently in Sudoroom and CCL each have two
75-watt flourescent bulbs, for a total of 900 watts of light in the bocce
ball room when they're all working.
That suggests that 150 watts of LED lighting would be equivalent, which
would cost about $60 from the first aliexpress link i provided.
These lights just have wires coming out, so we would perhaps attach them
onto the metal structures that are presently holding flourescent lights
for simplicity, until we come up with something better.
[View Less]
I've copied sudo-discuss on this email so that all of the sudo folks get
this message. I think a lot of them aren't subscribed to the onmi emails.
One useful thing to know would be what year/model macbook it is. It makes a
really big difference in terms of how easy it is to open it up and dig
On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Akwerius <akwerius(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> hi everyone,
> just wondering if anybody in sudo room knows how to fix macbooks? i
> accidentally …
[View More]spilled water on mine and it is not charging anymore.
> everything else seems to work fine but i'm on 5% batt. life left. tried the
> rice trick, didn't work. any help would truly be appreci-loved. give thanks,
> kwe
> _______________________________________________
> discuss mailing list
> discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org
> https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/discuss
[View Less]
thx 4 linx & $.02. maybe i should have said "Building Education from the
Underground up". Most curricula is developed in a top down fashion with
relatively few contributors...kinda like close source software. i'm wishing
for wiki, git, etc projects in which the general public can contribute
content, comment, like-dislike, etc.
i'm not seeing enough lessons on hacking, sustainability, political
organizing, alternative health...you know, the stuff *we* want people to
amplifying what …
[View More]exists, creating a platform for people to collaborate &
develop more & analyzing what works is what i'm getting at.
i admit, i haven't done my all my homework. perhaps it already exists, in
which case, i want to get involved in some of the projects :-)
On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Glenn Meader <glenn(a)chromakinetics.com>
> [image: Boxbe] <https://www.boxbe.com/overview> Glenn Meader (
> glenn(a)chromakinetics.com) is not on your Guest List
> <https://www.boxbe.com/approved-list?tc_serial=20571113668&tc_rand=765120837…>
> | Approve sender
> <https://www.boxbe.com/anno?tc_serial=20571113668&tc_rand=765120837&utm_sour…>
> | Approve domain
> <https://www.boxbe.com/anno?tc_serial=20571113668&tc_rand=765120837&utm_sour…>
> Great idea, lots of people have the same idea and are doing it -- in a
> massive way:
> http://www.khanacademy.org/about Our mission is to provide a free,
> world‑class education for anyone, anywhere.
> http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm MIT opencourseware
> http://www.teachthought.com/technology/5-sources-of-open-source-textbooks/
> http://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/
> On Friday, February 27, 2015 1:07 PM, Robert Benson <sf99er(a)gmail.com>
> wrote:
> idea
> Free Open Source Education (FOSE - acronym apparently recently ditched by
> US Gov)
> Building education from the ground up.
> Online organization to develop and maintain free open source educational
> tools and server space to share them.
> Top-down education sucks. We can do it better.
> ?
> robb
> _______________________________________________
> sudo-discuss mailing list
> sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
> https://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
[View Less]
I am currently looking for any local or non-local if they are in mostly
cosmetically complete state, InMoov projects for photography for a magazine
article. I figured I would reach out to the local hackerspaces and see if
anyone knew anyone doing an InMoov project.
415 867 9472 || http://hepic.net
Free Open Source Education (FOSE - acronym apparently recently ditched by
US Gov)
Building education from the ground up.
Online organization to develop and maintain free open source educational
tools and server space to share them.
Top-down education sucks. We can do it better.
Hi all,
My deepest condolensces for those of you who knew Edward Vu -- we've been
having too much loss in our communities these days. Below is the
fundraiser for his family.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cassandra Chen <cassandra.chen(a)unitedforsuccess.org>
Date: Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 9:01 PM
Subject: Fwd: Edward Vu memorial
To: praveen sinha <dmhomee(a)gmail.com>
Would you forward the link below as well as the invitation attached to Sudo
Room? …
[View More]Edward was involved there a few times, and there may be some folks
who know him. We are trying to connect with his friends as best we can.
Cassandra Chen
United for Success Academy
2101 35th Avenue
Oakland, CA 94601
(510) 747-8485 cell
[View Less]
Is anyone interested in coming to table at Chabot this weekend, to show
off robotics stuff and talk about sudoroom?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 21:20:19 +0000
From: Diane Strand <DStrand(a)chabotspace.org>
Subject: RE: An Invitation to Robotics Day at Chabot Space and Science Center
Thanks Jake! The event starts at 11am, goes 'til 5pm, but you can leave earlier if need be. I'll put you near an outlet.
Are you guys bringing a 3D printer? I'd really …
[View More]love to have one on the floor, so if you aren't bringing one, I'll reach out to someone else who can.
Please let me know if you need anything else or directions to the museum.
So happy to have you guys on board!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Jake [mailto:jake@spaz.org]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 10:05 PM
To: Brendan; yardenack(a)gmail.com
Cc: Diane Strand; Eske; Gregory Kielian
Subject: RE: An Invitation to Robotics Day at Chabot Space and Science Center
I can take saturday, i'll bring others. What time does it start?
and yes, we'll need outlets, and will there be an internet connection?
On Wed, 11 Feb 2015, Brendan wrote:
> Hi Diane, I'm writing and including Greg. I can definitely be there on Sunday, but I'm not sure about Saturday.
> Brendan
> ______________________________________________________________________
> ______________________________________________________________________
> _____________________________________
> From: Diane Strand
> Sent: 2/11/2015 4:32 PM
> To: Eske
> Cc: Jake Spaz Hell Sudo; b.d.reddybest(a)gmail.com
> Subject: RE: An Invitation to Robotics Day at Chabot Space and Science
> Center
> Hi Korl,
> Do you have any updates on Sudo Rooms’ involvement in Robofest at
> Chabot? My biggest questions are: Are you able to come for both days (2/28 & 3/1), what times are you able to run the table, and what requirements do you have (i.e near an outlet, ect)?
> Please let me know as soon as you can. I’m making up the floor plan and need to have all of the logistics worked out as soon as possible, as I will be out of town next week.
> Thanks!
> Diane
> From: Diane Strand
> Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 10:01 AM
> To: 'Eske'
> Cc: Jake Spaz Hell Sudo; b.d.reddybest(a)gmail.com
> Subject: RE: An Invitation to Robotics Day at Chabot Space and Science
> Center
> Hi Korl,
> Thanks for the update! Your idea for your table sounds AMAZING! Would you need an outlet for this?
> I look forward to hearing more about Sudo Room’s plans!
> Diane
> From: Eske [mailto:eske.silver@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 3:31 PM
> To: Diane Strand
> Cc: Jake Spaz Hell Sudo; b.d.reddybest(a)gmail.com
> Subject: RE: An Invitation to Robotics Day at Chabot Space and Science
> Center
> Hi Diane,
> So sorry for the delay in response. We have so many projects going on, that it's all too easy to get sidetracked and forgetful!
> I'll double check with the robot at Sudoroom, but I'm sure we can at least come for the whole first day.
> I think one table to start will be fine, but I'd have to double check
> that as well, since I don't know what the hauling situation is. It would be awesome if we could have a 3D printer working on robot parts, and some of our robots doing their thing right alongside.
> I'll get back to you with more details by the weeks end.
> Thanks for your patience!
> ~ Korl
> 510.671.0824
> 500px.com/soenke-v
> On Jan 8, 2015, at 9:47 AM, Diane Strand <DStrand(a)chabotspace.org> wrote:
> Happy New Year Guys!
> I wanted to touch base about Sudo Room’s participation in Robofest at
> Chabot on Feb. 28th and March 1st. Would you guys be able to come for both days? The event time is 11-5pm both days, would you be able to stay the whole time?
> From looking at your website, it seems like you guys have a robotic arm and a 3D printer. I would love to see either or both of these things at your table, if at all possible.
> But, of course, I am open to any ideas you have and am really just excited that you all will be coming up!
> So far I have Tiny Techs Club, Dash Robotics, Robotics for Fun,
> Revolve Robotics, and a drone demonstration for exhibitors and David
> Calkins, Ken Goldberg, and Robert Full for lecturers. I’m still
> reaching out to folks, so if you have any ideas of who I should
> contact, I’d love to hear them. J
> Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to come up and take a look at the event space. I look forward to your response!
> Best,
> Diane
> From: Diane Strand
> Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2014 3:15 PM
> To: 'Eske Silver'
> Cc: Jake Spaz Hell Sudo; b.d.reddybest(a)gmail.com
> Subject: RE: An Invitation to Robotics Day at Chabot Space and Science
> Center
> Hi Eske, Jake, and Brendan,
> Thank you for your reply! I’m so excited to have you guys on board! We
> have actually expanded the event to March 1st and I would love to
> have you guys there for both days, if you are able to.. I have a Robofest sumo competition, workshops and a lecture scheduled (David Calkins and Ken Goldberg) for both days. So far Dash Robotics and Tiny Techs Club will be there and I’m hoping to get more organizations on board.
> The hours of the event will be 11-5pm on Saturday and Sunday. Would
> you all be able to have a table the whole time? I can provide you with 6’ tables, tablecloths and chairs, I would just need to know how many. Would you need to be near an outlet? You guys are welcome to come up and see the space any time before the event.
> Congrats on the new space! It looks really fantastic and really impressive with all you guys have to offer. I look forward to talking to you guys again soon!
> Happy Holidays!
> Diane
> From: Eske Silver [mailto:eske.silver@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2014 2:22 AM
> To: Diane Strand
> Cc: Jake Spaz Hell Sudo; b.d.reddybest(a)gmail.com
> Subject: An Invitation to Robotics Day at Chabot Space and Science
> Center
> Hi, Diane!
> On behalf of Sudo and our robot enthusiasts, we're very excited for this event and we very much appreciate the invite!
> We'd love to come, and be a part of it!
> Apologies for the delay in response - we've been so busy helping get
> our new location, at the Omni Commons, up and running. If you aren't already familiar with the Omni, please do check out our website:
> https://omnicommons.org
> February 28th is good timing f
> [The entire original message is not included.]
[View Less]
This sounds very interesting.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: ANNA J CAREY <annacarey(a)berkeley.edu>
Subject: [eecs-announce] Wikipedia Art+Feminism Edit-A-Thon -- Berkeley
To: eecs-announce(a)eecs.berkeley.edu
Please forward the following message about the Wikipedia Art+Feminism
Edit-A-Thon that will be hosted at UC Berkeley:
*What:* Wikipedia Art+Feminism Edit-A-Thon
*Where:* BCNM Commons (near Free Speech Movement Cafe), Moffitt Library, UC
Berkeley …
[View More]Campus
*When:* Saturday, March 7, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Wikimedia’s gender trouble is well-documented. In a 2011 survey, the
Wikimedia Foundation found that less than 10% of its contributors identify
as female. The reasons for the gender gap are up for debate; suggestions
include leisure inequality, how gender socialization shapes public
comportment, and the sometimes contentious nature of Wikipedia’s talk
pages. The practical effect of this disparity, however, is not. Content is
skewed by the lack of female participation. This represents an alarming
absence in an increasingly important repository of shared knowledge. Let's
change that.
Join Berkeley Center for New Media on Saturday, March 7 from 11 a.m. - 4
p.m. for a collaborative edit-a-thon of Wikipedia entries on subjects
relating to art and feminism. We will provide tutorials for the beginner
Wikipedians, reference materials, and refreshments. Bring your laptop,
power cord, and ideas for entries that need updating or creation. For the
editing-averse, we urge you to stop by to show your support. Women,
women-identified, and male allies welcomed. *RSVP on Facebook and register
on our Wikipedia Meet-up page. We look forward to seeing you there!*
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1595505167330247/
Wikipedia Page:
Anna Carey
UC Berkeley | Interdisciplinary Studies: Art & Technology
annacarey(a)berkeley.edu | 914.907.4672
[View Less]
Hello Sudoers!
See below for a link to Sudo Room's invoice for shared expenses at the Omni
in February.
Here is a breakdown of the Omni's total expenses this month:
- PG&E: $550.74
- EBMUD: $239.06
- WM: $189.99
*Taxes & Insurance:*
- Building Insurance: $661.00
- Property Taxes: $797.28
- Director's & Officer's Insurance: $152.50
- State Farm General Liability Insurance: $0 (paid through July)
Utilities are split evenly between member collectives and tenants. Taxes
[View More]and insurance are shared among member collectives only. Take a look and let
me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, please pay as soon as you're
Thanks and <3,
SP + Finances WG
Below please find a link to Invoice #162.
Amount due: $390.94 USD
Due by: 2015-03-01
To view this invoice, please visit: https://waveapps.com/tvmpfz-k2qq52
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