I don't fit into the startup scene all the time even though I secretly enjoy it when it's good
But I don't fit into the activist & cool social movements folks all the time even though they're doing important smart innovative work
I'm still barely getting my feet wet in open source & seek to make contributions but the passionate opinionated folks at Sudoroom && Noisebridge show me the way
I'm glad I can visit places like Sudoroom and omni where people like me who don't always fit in can hang out!
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On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 10:51 AM, <sonja.trauss(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Besides bumming me out because its hostile, it also scares me a little. You guys know some of these people better, what is going on?
> Eric Fischer (@enf)
> 6/16/15, 9:08 AM
> The redacted words are "autistic sociopath." Sounds like general backlash, not entirely gentrification or buses? pic.twitter.com/eoIECW9Bp4
We hosted their event. One Omni person was bottom lining it, but
didn't read the full poster before approving. Another Omni person saw
the posters and do-o-cratically crossed out the word "autistic". Then
we asked the organizers to correct all their flyers, which they
apparently did.
Our community has no love for Google, gentrification, OR for ableism.
We are sorry to have our name associated with any of those things.
"Anti-intellectualism" is just a cheap shot which portrays tech
workers as intellectual and everyone else as stupid. This is an
economic issue. You should know better.
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Stephen Novotny
<novotny.stephen(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it's a terrible idea to ask cops to patrol our streets more often.
> There is no immediate solution to preventing theft other than removing
> valuables from cars.
Just for the record, I've lived in Oakland almost a decade, I've
driven to Omni 100+ times, and my car has NEVER been broken into. I'm
pretty sure that's because I just don't leave shit in it.
Hey folks!
I, Dusty, and Anka have been putting in some time with the door to SUDO and
CCL. We have reached a point were it is important to get information/input
from you...as we can't proceed with this project without it.
*The basic needs for this door:*
- The door needs to sweep/open outward, toward the main exits of the
building. As such it needs to be "hanged" in a way opposite of it's current
(now former) position.
- There needs to be a "panic bar" installed along with a nice "door
closer". We have the door closer and a panic bar. The panic bar as selected
by Marc (who knows more about this stuff than Anka and myself).
*Needed from SUDO/CCL folks:*
- In order to re-hang this door, we need to figure out how the panic bar
will work with the existing door frame.
- We need to have folks from SUDO relay information about, or instal
(preferred), a panic bar system that will work with whatever electronic
entrance mechanism you will want for your space.
A note on Labor:
Anka and myself, Dusty, are working with doors throughout the building. We
are learning as we go and I feel that it's much slower than I anticipated.
Each door in this place is different and most are quite wonky. I will be
out of town for the month of July...and subsequently unable to work on this
project until my return in August.
We want you to have a great door for your space, and we want it to be
exactly what you want. :). Can SUDO folks take this issue to a meeting and
have it discussed (if appropriate)?
Hi the BACE time bank site went down . Do you think anyone could help out with this ?
Carl backed up the database
It's one of the cooler projects
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Remember when we had a party & people brought old records & we painted them with cheap house paint from the hardware store ?
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On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Jenny Ryan <tunabananas(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Quick search reveals that the /tmp/ directory set in php.ini needs to be
> changed to the home directory of the user that owns the wordpress folders.
It already was set to $HOME/public_html/tmp but that directory didn't
exist. Now it does so should work :)