Jake previously wrote:
> it seems that the big TV that's screwed to the balcony
> has stopped working. It's plugged into live AC but the
> power doesn't come on even when i press the power button.
> i'm guessing that this is because it's dead. i've tried to fix
> TVs like this before and it's just too many screws,
> in addition ty honting down a new transistor or whatever...
> so it's unlikely to happen.
Am at HHN, and robb just "fixed" that big TV by successfully and
completely connecting the HDMI cable that was apparently "removed" by
someone else. So the Hitachi really _wasn't_ dead after all.
Yay robb!
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.org
On Dec. 14th the FCC [1] (Federal Communication Commission) is preparing
to dismantle net neutrality [2] which prevents the huge internet service
providers' oligopoly from unfairly discriminating against websites it
doesn't like and would help lead to the privatization &
commercialization of the internet.
But the grassroots is fighting back! Folks are organizing protests at
Verizon stores locations around the country. Verizon [3], in particular,
will make bigly profits from the destruction of net neutrality. In the
Oakland-Berkeley area there are 3 Verizon locations, and as of yet,
apparently no one is organizing [4] any actions there. We are going to
be the laughing stock of the national movement.
If you can be a contract for one of these Verizon protests, just go to
verizonprotests.com [5] and enter your contact info [6] for the location
that you pick! (The details are at the web site). The protests are
taking place on (or before) December 7th, so please help out with this
just as soon as you can!
Me, I'm useless, the 7th is my first wife's birthday (she was born on
the 25th anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day) and she wants me to take her
to Calistoga to view the smoking ruins. And the way I look, I better
stick with the partner I have.
Thanks for all you do,
Ed & the rump of Occupy Oakland
Local Verizon stores:
Verizon Emeryville
3990 Hollis St · (510) 547-3210
Verizon Oakland
3264 Lakeshore Ave · (510) 267-0731
Verizon Berkeley
2209 Shattuck Ave · (510) 845-4282
[1] https://www.battleforthenet.com/#widget-learn-more
[4] https://events.battleforthenet.com/#eventType=protestrally
[5] http://verizonprotests.com/
[6] http://act.demandprogress.org/event/team-internet/create/
TechShop Closure? Free(no Cost) Maker & Fabrication Hardware Science
laboratory until January 2018. All volunteer, by donation, shared
facility equipment machines co-work.10 yrs non-profit. Daily 11am-10pm
(22:00), Paid $$$ Membership Access 24 hrs
SudoRoom.Org (6 blocks from MacArthur BART , AC bus #6)
4799 shattuck ave., Oakland 94609 permanant Real Estate location
dec. 2 saturday is maker Smith day whereby people make their holiday
gift crafts. Anyone want to help organize open house for sudo at omni?
Hi there!
I'm putting together a conference called RIOTcon (Radical Interactive Open
Technology Conference), The purpose of RIOTcon is to explore the
intersections between Art, Technology and Activism. I figured you'd all be
the perfect group to reach out to as we are still looking for talks. The
conference is January 20th at 11am at the East Bay Community Space in
Oakland CA
You can checkout the website here: http://riotcon.io to submit your talk
and if you use facebook we have an event here:
If you have any questions please feel free to email me. Thanks!
Gregg Horton
it seems that the big TV that's screwed to the balcony has stopped working.
It's plugged into live AC but the power doesn't come on even when i press the
power button.
i'm guessing that this is because it's dead. i've tried to fix TVs like this
before and it's just too many screws, in addition to hunting down a new
transistor or whatever... so it's unlikely to happen.
anyway if anyone feels like doing anything about it, go ahead and double-check
that the AC power is really getting to it (although i'm pretty sure i checked)
and then probably you'll have to take it down from the wall. Then you can see
if it blew a fuse, and then see what happens if you put another fuse in (it
will blow it again) and then see if you can figure out what's wrong - maybe
it's just a bad capacitor! but it's probably a lot more.
and then it can go in the e-waste pile and Cere can disassemble it further to
see what's inside.
and then we can take one of those TVs from under the stairs and put it up
Looking for someone to help me for a few hours - heavy lifter and
careful - to organize tools, move heavy equipment, etc., in a warehouse
in Emeryville next to home depot (dogtown studios).
I estimate it may take three or four hours - during an evening (or two)
starting about 6pm, since I can only be there after work - either today,
tomorrow, or next week (not sure I can be available during the weekend)
- need to get it done sooner than later -
I think two people will be better than one. $22/hour
If you are interested,send me a text, or email.
Leticia (from CCL)
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thank you for stewarding the commons.
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons
------------------------ Pledge Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1245
Invoice Date: 12/01/2017
Due Date: 12/25/2017
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $2,000.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
As an OMNI collective we are responsible for some of the cleaning that
needs to happen. Phil from Food Not Bombs has done an immense amount of
cleaning - we should take on some of the burden.
OMNI now has official cleaning days: the third Saturday from 12 to 3pm and
last Wednesday from 5:30 to 8:30pm. The next one is Wed. 11/29
Alternatively we can come any time and do a task on the checklists that
have been put up around the commons and sign off on it.
hack the planet
come lend a hand this afternoon if you can!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Julian Francis Park" <julianfrancispark(a)gmail.com>
Date: Nov 18, 2017 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [omni-discuss] all omni cleaning days! scheduled!
To: "discuss" <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>, <
hi all,
a reminder that today is our first all Omni cleaning day! laura & I have
made the checklists, and laminated copies will be up all over the Omni, for
each space to be cleaned.
while people are *highly* encouraged to come clean together, please feel
free to mark on the checklists what you do at your/your collective's own
convenience. & please see the previous email about when these will
regularly be.
see you in a shinier Omni soon,
On Nov 6, 2017 7:01 PM, "Julian Park" <julianfrancispark(a)gmail.com> wrote:
hello all,
at the delegates meeting laura & i signed up to work on two things: put
together a checklist of all the cleaning tasks for each subspace of the
omni; schedule 1 weekday evening and 1 weekend day that folks omni-wide can
get together to get the cleaning done.
we’re done with the second! for the next few months, we’ll be test driving
every third Saturday from 12pm-3pm
and the last Wednesdays from 5:30pm-8:30pm
many delegates said they may not be able to send folx to a regular
day—that’s okay! as many of the same also said, “we’d love a checklist,
though.” we’re almost done with it—we’re going to finish it next week,
after which you’ll hear from us again. once their done, they’ll get posted
in everyroom, and if you do stuff on your own you’ll be able to mark when.
see you next time space cowfolx,
discuss mailing list
Want presenter on privacy and encryption on sunday dec. 17. Must be
OK (no opposition) to sexworkers . Venue private room (not open to
public) for 7 at omnicommons.org (4799 shattuck, oakland) for 2 hours.
Incentive benefit for presenter is 60 seconds promotion as consultant
advisor on information security for freelancers in adult industry
business. Practical hands on individual installation using electronic
devices on ios, android, pc microsoft
Windows, mac , unlikely linux. Specific education coverage on :
end to end encryption
2 factor authentication
man-in-middle attack
website dns, hosting,
gwen246(a)gmail.com with your phone contact or time date meet at omni
for 20 minutes in-person.