The vending machine now provides some more feedback after money is put in.
Source code associated with my contribution is here. I haven't documented
the other components of the vending machine.
Based on the implementation details, it appears to me that
the bill acceptor is in fact plugged into one board (Arduino Leonardo)
that is connected by serial to another board (Raspberry Pi). Why is
the former board used at all? That is, why is the bill acceptor …
[View More]not
plugged directly into the latter board?
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I've set up a jitsi terminal on the wall in Sudoroom!
It's a big TV made by Hitachi, and it has a feature where it can go into "power
saving" mode when the HDMI signal is lost. That means the screen can power
down when DPMS puts the monitor to "sleep". It has a webcam that's clearly
labeled, and on a hinge so it can easily be aimed down at the floor if people
are shy, and it has a Jabra USB speaker/microphone thing which should hopefully
provide good speakerphone functionality. I have the …
[View More]computer setup to start
firefox, and i have firefox set to open the jitsi page, where permissions are
already enabled for webcam/audio. The only remaining need is to automatically
wake the monitor from sleep (using "DISPLAY=:0 xset force dpms on") whenever
there is anyone else detected in the jitsi "room"
This feature is important so that people can see (on the screen) whenever
someone is in the screen/camera/microphone with them. For now the monitor is
either left on a lot, or blanks out due to a timeout.
I've determined that the most direct ways to make the monitor turn on when
anyone joins the jitsi channel are:
1. make an XMPP client in python or something, which connects to the server and
finds out how many people are in the room (and whether there's anyone other
than the telescreen in there) and sets the monitor on/off state accordingly
2. make a browser extension to find the element containing the number of
"Meeting participants" and copy the number to the window title, where it can be
observed from the shell with a command like wmctrl -l
<div class="jss52">Meeting participants (2)</div>
unfortunately the div class is not always jss52 but the innertext is always
Meeting Participans(#) so it should be able to be found.
The idea is that with this setup, people can go on jitsi and talk to whomever
is in sudoroom, as well as each other.
presently i'm using this link but that can change if we find something better:
note: the telescreen in sudoroom is not signed in right now, not sure why but
i'll fix it asap
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Dear Sudo Room,
Just a reminder that we have not received a payment for this invoice yet. Let us know if you have questions.
Thanks for your business!
Omni Commons
---------------------------------- Invoice ---------------------------------
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94609 US
Invoice #: 2474
Date: 02/01/2022
Due Date: 02/25/2022
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $8,000.00
[View More]-------
Bill To:
Sudo Room
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94607
****************************** Account Summary *****************************
01/01/2022 Balance Forward $28,000.00
Other payments and credits after 01/01/2022 -22,000.00
New charges (details below) 2,000.00
Total Amount Due (activity through 02/01/202 8,000.00
<u> Date </u><u> Activity </u><u> Qty </u><u> Rate </u><u> Amount </u>
02/01/2022 Furnishing Fa 1 2,000.00 2,000.00T
SubTotal: $2,000.00
Tax: $0.00
Total Of New Charges: $2,000.00
Total Amount Due: $8,000.00
Greetings Sudo Room!
This is your monthly donation invoice. Thank you for stewarding the
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons Finance Working Group
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when i try to go to sudo-humans i get a cert error
redirects to
> Subject:
> Issuer: R3
> Expires on: Feb 17, 2022
> Current date: Feb 23, 2022
> You cannot visit right now because the website uses HSTS.
I know that people are working on a replacement for sudo-humans but maybe we
should fix this anyway until that's ready?
thank you
Congrats on forwarding this person's phone number to a public list and
while taking the time to remove the giant "DON'T DO EXACTLY THAT" text
at the bottom.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2022 20:10:17 -0800
From: roger.herried <roger.herried(a)>
To: Jake <jake(a)>
Subject: Re: [sudo-info] old card question
also if you have a hacker space that wants to get a stash of ancient computers
from the 70's on, I'm dismantling them for gold right now.
one of them was used by professor Erhlich (population bomb) that had a whopping
5 megabyte hard drive that cost $5k
old CIA laptop from …
[View More]eastern europe and other items...
On 2/27/2022 3:11 PM, Jake wrote:
> Hi Roger, can I forward this email and your email address to our public
> discussion list?
> -jake
> On Sun, 27 Feb 2022, roger.herried wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a just dumped former manager of the Redstone Building over in SF that
>> used to be the home of Indymedia and a lot of other groups. We were trying
>> to setup a video news broadcast besides a pirate station that were taken
>> down. I'm still sitting on a mobile video camera set and was wondering if
>> you might be interested in that - have a few other things like an old
>> overhead projector etc.
>> let me know if you want these items -
>> roger
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I can't always drop by the meetings (they conflict with my drawing group
nights and I tend to sleep early). But I'd like to come by one idea. It's
not very original, but just condense the discussion into a big drawing of
what we're doing and what we're aspiring to. I think even if it sounds
corny or almost like a powerpoint even the administrative stuff like
cleaning and management can be fun.
Oh here's a blast from the past - anthony repetto was a mathematician guy
who hung out at SudoROom, I …
[View More]remember he drew a big math formula on the
sidewalk near SudoROom and we photographed it.
things like this are always so fun! its' a nice way of viewing math, I
think this would be a fun candidate for more of the light projection
experiments. So instead of chalk we could draw a math equation or animation
on the ground...
heh time to learn blender finally
Romy Ilano
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On Thu, 24 Feb 2022, Andrew R Gross wrote:
> Ok, great. Do you know how to add it to the calendar?
i think it's with a WordPress login? I think Jenny knows how to do it?
lol you sent this to sudo-disucss(a)
I got this idea to do light projection mappings. There's a lot of inspiring
stuff out there, and the last few weeks I've been at SudoRoom there's just
a lot of work around trying to figure out what equipment to get, what
creative ideas to get. It's been really fun.
I thought I'd share some sketches from my notebooks, because I'm just doing
lots of planning right now and bouncing ideas.
- * Starting small - There are a lot of possibilities but it's really
good to start small. I chatted …
[View More]with Marc + others about using portable pico
projectors to mount on bicycles for the bike party rides and at cosplay
events. Someone even mentioned having a projector in a wand!
- so many opportunities to craft a cool mount
- Making more of an effort to "cross fertilize" with the cool artists
that are still in Oakland. For example I was at the Drink and Draw at the
New Parkway (unfortunately happens on wednesday night meetings for me) and
ran into folks from the Rock Paper Scissors Collective (they're back) and a
lot of cartoonists! I wish I had gotten more of their art (i'll get it)
- For interacting with other artists, it'd probably fun to build a small
"Stage" with foamboard similar to what you see at science fair projects.
Came up with the idea for a small puppet theater
- Eventually would love to move to immersive environments (an entire
room). people love taking selfies in these places
I'd like to move to Blender eventually and make very sophisticated
experiments but it's good to do stuff off the wall and freehand using very
old projectors or my hand held pico projectors.
There are a lot of cool video and visual artists who have experimented with
light projections going way back into the 1970s and 1990s even, and while
the technology is important (man so many different cable formats to review
this month) it's really about what's presented and what you're trying to
get across. I'd like to do very technology-obvious projects but have been
making a point to look at indonesian and japanese puppetry as well.
As we jam we can involve more and more projectors and do really elaborate
things. It's just a matter of time and learning blender. I think it'd be
good to poopulate with the sudoroom blog wit the creative process as we
aren't just our stuff and classes, but also a creative space to highlight
the process of making something cool.
So this notebook will be part of it!
OK enough random thoughts. Maybe we can have our version of 5 minutes of
fame and do a show and tell!
[image: image.jpeg]
[image: IMG_0006.JPG]
Romy Ilano
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