sudo-discuss February 2023
  • 18 participants
  • 29 discussions

Trouble accessing sudo humans?
by Patrik D'haeseleer
2 years

Reminder: Sudo Room Wednesday Party tonight
by Andrew R Gross
2 years

Reminder: Pledge [Pledge No.] from Omni Commons
by Omni Commons
2 years

Introducing myself
by Jonathan Cadle
2 years

Hardware and softWEAR* Hacking Tuesday is tonight
by Jake
2 years

Install monitor in Omni entrance hall
by Z Silver Zahn
2 years

Invoice 2820 from Omni Commons
by Omni Commons
2 years

Canon printer out of blue ink
by Jake Watters
2 years

Omni Building Working Group meeting this Sunday, Feb. 19 at 3
by Andrew R Gross
2 years

Wednesday night party
by Andrew R Gross
2 years
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