Agreed with Imma - our current safe space policy is not enough. In
practice, there are significant social obstacles to people feeling
like they have the power to invoke it. There need to be structural
changes to empower people to advocate on behalf of bipoc and non-men.
Many orgs work just fine with a well written code of
conduct and a board that reviews issues, so it’s hard to believe there is an actual
problem being addressed here.
Most orgs have simple hierarchies of power, so they can solve problems
quickly. They have either a central authority or strong bureaucracies.
Omni doesn't. The bogss proposal is an attempt to get some of those
benefits but still enable us to mostly operate with our existing
anti-authoritarian structure or lack thereof.
Thanks for this. I was ignorant of those terms! I see how you got
there now. But I would still caution against extrapolating too much
from their use of the term. There are many forms of socialism which
may use some of the same language as Stalin without being Stalinist.
Conflating all forms of this intellectual tradition with Stalin and
Mao would not do justice to anybody.
No, I’m talking about the part where they create a
system of writing and distributing self-critiques for offenses to be determined by the
whims of this group. They create a bunch of investigative powers, but don’t tell us up
front what are the policies or community norms they will be investigating. Have they even
read the Safe space policy that currently exists? Why is this proposal not a (minimal)
edit to that existing system?
Have YOU read it?
The most obvious and glaring oversight of this policy is the question
of *WHO* is enforcing it at any given time and *WHO* gets to
ultimately exercise their judgement. It was written in 2014 by a group
called "challenging dominant cultures" - I was part of that group. We
were naive. We didn't have clear structures about who could join or
claim the name, and over the years it became fraught with disagreement
and uncertainty and withered away, to the point where now when you
even say the name of the group many of us just grimace. Yet to this
day, our policy still claims that questions are to be resolved by "the
CDC working group" - this is totally broken!
The bogss proposal answers this question by creating a committee to do
just that, and a process for forming that committee. Most of the
verbiage is towards exactly that end. You can think of this as an
edit, but it needs to be more than minimal because that was a huge
omission on our part in 2014.
They give this new organization a block vote at the
delegate level. Why do that if this is not about power?
Personally I'm a materialist feminist and I believe everything is
about power. But in this case, it's not about anybody's personal
desire for power OVER others. It's about making sure that critically
underrepresented perspectives are given more weight in our currently
white-dominated board & delegate meetings. Indeed, the proposal's
authors have written in no guarantees that they will ultimately be on
the committee. These will be elected representatives who get their
power from the entire congress of bipoc and non-men at omni and if
they abuse it, they will be recalled.
They are creating an organization of cops, that will
also be the judge, jury, and legislature for all perceived offenses.
I think it's really harmful to invoke metaphors between this and our
armed, genocidal police+prison system. Nobody's going to get shot or
locked up here. Nonetheless, I think that edits geared at making the
committee seem less "cop-like" would be warmly received.