I fully support that with no edits, korl. I think it is full of compassion
and care for everyone.
On Jan 15, 2015 11:44 AM, "Eske Silver" <eske.silver(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Sent this a couple days go, but I forgot to hit
'reply all':
True, though, that we have parted ways with members, and guests, for less
than [multiple physical incidents?] - comrade or not.
While case-by-case is my prefered language, I also always stand by a Zero
Tolerance for abuse toward another loving being.
From what I've read, this seems the logical mean answer:
For the sake of Safer Spaces, let's ask that Elliot appreciate a request
that they take leave, until we find a resolution...
For the sake of nuance and case-by-case, I'd bet we could find someone
who's known Elliot for a handful of human time increments, who would be so
kind as to reach out to Elliot. This person might then glean what's going
on with Elliot, and how he feels we (all) should/can procede with these
Then, for the sake of precident, if Elliot is willing and able, we can
follow the guide and set on to conflict resolution...
The rest is (in theory) easy, I'd say.
Any edits?
~ Korl
~ Korl
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