Hi Troy :)
Please write us a short (5-10 paragraphs?) report
about your trip to the Alameda ham club,
for the purpose of trying to secure some free radio expert assistance
for Sudoroom's FCC LPFM transmitter application.
How did you get informed about the need to go?
How did you get there?
When did you arrive?
What was going on?
Who did you meet?
Did you make an announcement to the group?
Did you get any advice?
Did you get any free stuff? From whom? What?
Have you invited anyone to come to Sudoroom? When?
What follow up will be done with anyone from ARCAham?
What follow up was or will be done with Sudoroom. Public presentation?
Are there any plans to go to the Oakland ham club Nov9 Sat?
73, as hams say.
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