yes to this, thank you David and Nikki.
From: commons <commons-bounces(a)> on behalf of David Keenan
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 10:20 PM
To: discuss
Cc: sudo-discuss(a); commons
Subject: [omni-commons] 'emergency' mtg tonite re: Omni & protests, 7pm
entrance hall
hi all,
ok not really an 'emergency' unless you count the forthcoming four-year-long state
of emergency we're entering into post-Trump -
I would like to get together with anyone who is feeling the rage and despair against the
election outcome, to brainstorm how Omni can best provide shelter, workspace and
solidarity to those presently engaged in the protests against the insanity of recent
events which has ignited the bay area.
This might mean:
- Making a flyer encouraging activists to use omni for meetings, going to protests, and
handing them out?
- Organizing banner-making sessions, weekly assemblies, etc?
- protest tactics, info sessions?
- generally getting the word out that omni can serve as a site of interconnection and
possible collaboration for various groups of activists and activated friend groups, etc
- what can member groups supply the effort..? Ideas:
Sudo - (just riffing here):
-- disseminate<> to support protests?
Welcome to the People's Open
The People's Open Network is a community-owned and -operated wireless network in
Oakland, California
-- fab some drones?
-- classes on community, solidarity, resistance, political philosophy meeting praxis
others: ?
I am aware of other calls to action and convergences elsewhere, but I figure we as the
omni community at large should also figure out how we might best make available our
resources to the mass effort.
Niki and I will be hosting, we will try to bring some yummy food -- and super late notice
I realize but we figured hell, no time like the present
please come if you can :) and pass the word on -
love & solidarity