hi all,
in addition to your regularly scheduled hacking, we will have two things
going on at sudo:
2PM: Today I Learned: "SQL Injection & Prevention" with the excellent
from the description on the
SQL Injection or "SQLi" is a one of the most dangerous, popular and fun :D
web application exploits found today on the modern web. In this lesson we
will cover the basics of SQL and then dive into some SQLi exploitation and
mitigation techniques. A series of mock web applications will be made
available for attendants to practice on.
After TIL: we'll be informally working on stuff in nodeschool.io, a cool
new learning program created by sudoers max ogden and substack, along with
many others. max is travelling the
but substack will be around (in between world-travelling adventures).
yay, learning & hacking ^_^
- marina