Unless someone complains I'm dropping the Thursday evening events for now.
That means that we have one weekly meeting only: Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
Last meeting I was planning to prototype a 12v power cable. A couple of new
meshers showed up though. I'm sure these won't be people who show up once
and then never again since one is already an active sudo'er and the other
is a ccl'er. I ended up intro-ing them to the mesh. One of them should be
able to tie intro existing mesh connections in west oakland but needed
approval from housemates, the other person has a view of lake merritt and
he took a home node and picostation extender back with him :)
Next Tuesday I want to try to solder those cables and we need to design a
sticker that annotates what each port on the home node is used for so we
don't have to manually make little notes/stickers every time.