How slow is it? And "ultra-slow" for what purposes?
The corporate data combine wants to turn the internet into a new form of
TV that watches everything we do, feeds us irresistible advertising,
sells us "experiences," and keeps us busy playing games while their
cronies harvest our labor and pillage the planet. _That_, not producing
& sharing personal and community content, is largely what's behind the
"need" for speed.
Along the way, the corporate data combine also has a direct stake in
making us impatient, to the point where waiting a few minutes for a
download or upload becomes intolerable. Impatience plus the endemic
narcissism of being surrounded by our "selves" in their digital
representations of "personalization" and media bubbles, are key bricks
in the wall.
Right now the primary choices are LMI/Sonic over copper, AT&T DSL over
copper, AT&T over fiber, and Comcast via coaxial cable. There are a few
other options such as Telepacific and various wireless services, most of
them intended for business users.
A dollar spent is a vote cast. And a "fast" connection without network
neutrality, has a speed of zero for censored content.
On 13-11-23-Sat 1:07 PM, Vicky Knox wrote:
Though I would like to support their local business, I am sick of
LMI's ultra slow Sonic connection! :[ And I don't want to sell my soul
to Comcast. Webpass has mixed reviews. Etc., etc. Where do I go?
help!!!!! I just want to dust off poor old neglected Transmission and
watch some thought-provoking films! D:
This all said, I'd like to get an initial temperature check on the
idea of Sudo Room making official recommendations for IT services and
publishing those recommendations on our websites as a public service.
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