It creates tons of dust (despite the shopvac attachment), is a bit hard to
control, and doesn't work quite as well as I hoped. But yeah, feel free
to borrow it. I'll be in CCL until at least 6 or so. I can show you how to
use it.
Definitely need a good dust respirator, and you should probably keep the
door closed. ..
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Helen Finkelstein <hefinkel(a)>
Patrick -
Do you have the tool? Can we borrow it? The downstairs kitchen also
needs grinding, but we thought we would have to rent a grinder. Do folks
think the concrete prep tool would work on the kitchen floor?
On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd(a)>
Hi all,
I have an unexpected chunk of free time on Saturday, and I was hoping to
use it to start prepping the floors in CCL. Should be done well before the
CR event at 6pm.
I'm not planning to use a heavy-duty grinder, just a concrete prep tool like
I've never used one of these, but I would still expect it to make a
substantial amount of noise - at a minimum like running a high-powered
vacuum for a couple of hours. I may try to cut down on dust by running it
wet, if that is an option.
I know this is short notice, but I hope we can make it work - the floors
are the #1 obstacle holding up progress getting our lab up and running
right now, and there's just not that many times I can carve out a big chunk
of time.
It would be good if someone can check this with John as well, since we'll
be making noise right underneath him...
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