Call to Action: Pack city hall & rally to stop the Domain Awareness Center
in Oakland.
(Please forward widely)
Oakland City Council is building a surveillance center to aggregate video
surveillance feeds from all over Oakland. The Domain Awareness
Center<>(DAC);(DAC), as it's called, will include
a computer system that aggregates
information from surveillance cameras and license plate readers across
Oakland, and in the future may include facial recognition software and
social media data mining.
On Tuesday 11/19, City Council will be voting on a resolution that will
allow them to move forward with a new contractor for the project (after the
old contractor was found to violate an Oakland law that prevents the city
from doing business with companies that are in the nuclear weapons
industry) without issuing a new request for proposal (RFP). If the
resolution fails, Oakland will have to issue a new RFP & potentially lose
Dept of Homeland Security funds for the center.
The NY
the DAC national news, as similar centers are being considered in
other cities.
There's an opportunity to halt or slow down the construction of the DAC
this Tuesday evening, so please join a planned rally at 5:30 and/or come to
the City Council meeting itself. Meetings are open to the public & you can
even sign up to
is item #20).
For more info:
On the rally:…
email actionforprogress
On the DAC:
On twitter: #DAC || @oaklandprivacy <>