Hi Andrew!
You can definitely see the space, anytime a member is present to let you in and
show you around! Presently our whole building has a mask policy, that everyone
inside must wear a mask at all times, except when actually taking a drink
(eating should be taken outside)
I plan to be there on Tuesday starting at 6PM, but if you want to go a
different time, just say so and maybe me or someone else will meet up wtih you!
as for "joining" sudoroom, the easiest thing to do is to sign up for monthly
donations, which doesn't require anyone's approval:
On Mon, 10 Jan 2022, Andrew R Gross via sudo-discuss wrote:
Hi everyone!
I'd like to join Sudoroom. Before I do, can I see the space? Is anyone
going to be there sometime this week?
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 -
shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>