Thanks for the plug, Naomi. I had originally sent this from a
non-subscribed account. Hopefully this will go through.
I help run NNEB & I lurk on the sudolists, occasionally drop in, donate,
etc. Feel free to say "hi" if you come out tonight!
We sold out of our advance tix. We undersell the advance tix by a bit
and we'll still let people in at the door where capacity will allow
(unlike the SF event, all of our attendees seem to be getting a seat),
but I wanted to give the "YMMV" to make sure that anyone we have to
regretfully turn away won't be completely surprised. In future months,
we will try to admit more people in some way (probably using the lobby
and/or second theater, possibly live streaming). If you miss it, we
(like NNSF) video our events. But we're slow in editing (and are always
looking for volunteers).
I had submitted the event (I don't usually do this, but this has the
bio-hacking and making interests) to the sudo calendar a couple weeks
ago. That's still sitting in the queue (along with the TPB_AFK
screening & some polish spam that doesn't have a submitting author).
Look forward to seeing some of you,