Hell yeah! Double hellyeah! And another thing to put on CTel "freedom
box" home servers on the mesh.
I'd love to try this.
(My brain is mushed tonight from a pretty exhausting day in the field,
else I'd say more;-)
On 13-04-05-Fri 12:25 AM, Anthony Di Franco wrote:
Sudo room is a room with a bunch of computer hardware
in it much of it
idle and a community of people many of them not idle many of whom like
free access to information and privacy-respecting technology and
social institutions and dislike pervasive surveillance by state and
corporate actors and oligopolistic private control of vital public
YaCy <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YaCy> is a free
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software> distributed search
engine <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_search_engine>,
built on principles of peer-to-peer
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer> (P2P) networks. All
YaCy-peers are equal and no central server
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_%28computing%29> exists. It can
be run either in a crawling
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_crawler> mode or as a local proxy
server <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server>, indexing web
pages visited by the person running YaCy on his or her computer.
(Several mechanisms are provided to protect the user's privacy.)
Access to the search functions is
by a locally running web server which provides a search box to enter
search terms, and returns search results in a similar format to other
popular search engines.
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