Hi all - this is Sang from the Mess Comedy Group.
I was asked to send out an announcement regarding the Cleaning Day proposed
for this Saturday Feb 20th at the last Delegates Meeting.
Wanted to send out the e-mail today to the General Announce list unless
there's any new info that requires us to change / postpone.
See the draft below and attached. Welcome any thoughts and input thank you.
If you don't want to be on emails like in the future please reply back.
Apologies in advance.
Here's a draft of what I was planning to send. Also as print out
Let me know if you want me to delete anything that seems too much info...
*Hello Everyone at Omni Commons! Please help with our Cleaning Day on Feb
I hope everyone has been enjoying the early spring weather. In that
spirit, we are planning a *cleaning day on Sat Feb 20th* during the day and
hope you can help out the building and everyone by supporting the Commons
with your time.
As some of you know, the Omni has been seeing some unwanted visitors in the
kitchen downstairs and upstairs.
Not only is this unsafe and unhealthy but it is preventing the Omni from
being able to share the space for events and activities from other members
of the community.
As part of our plan to help with the rodent situation, we would appreciate
available members to come on *Sat Feb 20th* at *11AM*.
Cleaning the Kitchens is a first and easy step. That means cleaning out
the fridge, sweeping and wiping down the area. Any food out in the open
has to be either sealed in airtight containers or thrown out. Specific
ways you can help.
1. *Volunteer your time* for a few hours on Sat Feb 20th
2. Bring *cleaning supplies* if you have any to spare - garbage bags,
cleaning supplies, gloves and even air filter masks if you’re sensitive to
dust or cleaning supplies. Remember to wear clothes and shoes you are okay
cleaning in.
3. Help *Keep the Omni Clean* Every Day - if you use the kitchen, please
be respectful and clean up after you prepare food. This doesn't mean just
washing dishes and throwing away food but also, cleaning any surface or
appliance you use. Also, please throw away food you may have left in the
We hope to see you this Saturday and thank you being considerate to your
fellow collective members.
This is only the first step towards dealing with the pest situation so *please
talk to your Collective's Delegates on how you can help* with future
projects to protect the Omni.
Thank you!
Your Omni Delegates