This is the press release that just went out. Brian is
delivering the Cease and Desist letter to city hall personally this morning.
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Miguel Vargas <unroar(a)
(> wrote:
Oakland Privacy Group Press Release
Contact: Brian Hofer
Cell: (510) 303-2871 (tel:%28510%29%20303-2871)
Email: brian.hofer(a) (
The Oakland Privacy Group today demanded through counsel that Oakland city government
immediately Cease and Desist building the Domain Awareness Center and stop working with
military contractors in violation of Oakland’s Nuclear Free Zone ordinance or face a
City staff is currently urging city council to move forward with building the DAC by
signing a contract with military contractor Schneider Electric. Signing such a contract
would be a clear violation of Oakland’s Nuclear Free Zone ordinance.The council's next
vote on this issue is on Tuesday, January 28.
In their recommendation, city staff states that they are satisfied that Schneider
Electric is not in violation of the Nuclear Free Zone ordinance based on their Google
searches. Yet it is hard to believe that city staff missed the many webpages where
Schneider markets their nuclear weapons experience. For example, Schneider states on their
Naval Technology page
Our main application domains include:
Weapon launching control system for nuclear submarines
Nuclear weapon handling system
Oakland has a long tradition of taking strong
progressive stands on national issues with legislation such as South African divestment,
establishing the City of Refuge (anti-ICE raids), leadership on cannabis normalization,
standing against Arizona’s racist anti-immigrant law, and many others.
It is from this proud tradition that the Nuclear Free Zone ordinance originates. Oakland
has for decades declared that it will in no way be complicit in building nuclear weapons
and has refused to work with any nuclear weapons contractors.
These are Oakland values.
Unfortunately, it seems that our current crop of city leaders do not share these values.
Since the beginning of the DAC project city staff has been looking for ways to use
nuclear weapons contractors to build their vision of an all-knowing Orwellian surveillance
The city’s first contractor to work on the DAC, military giant SAIC, was removed from the
contract after it’s work on nuclear weapons became public. SAIC also perjured themselves
by signing a statement that they did not violate the Nuclear Free Zone ordinance. But
public records request documents indicate that city staff knew all along that SAIC was in
violation of the ordinance. When they were found out staff were searching for ways to help
SAIC bypass the ordinance, they then helped SAIC finish building a major phase of the DAC
project and paid them the full $2.6 million for their illegal work before the contract was
The Oakland Privacy Group believes city staff are attempting similar maneuvers with
Schneider Electric to get the spy center completed in violation of the Nuclear Free Zone
If the city moves forward with these plans legal action will be taken to stop it.
About the Oakland Privacy Working Group
The Oakland Privacy Group is a grassroots community organization concerned with the
encroaching threat of high-tech surveillance. It has been organizing the swelling
grassroots opposition to the DAC since the issue was first noticed at a city council
meeting in July of 2013. They have an online presence Twitter @OaklandPrivacy and at
About the DAC
The DAC is a multi-million dollar data and video spy center funded with federal
anti-terrorism dollars originally intended for the port but then turned against the
residents of Oakland. The most comprehensive information on the DAC is available on
Oakland Wiki at