It's hackathon season! Spring has sprung, and the hackathons are blooming. Alameda
County is having a hackathon on April 27th. We are promoting the use of open data to
design, build and create an innovative concept, web and/or mobile app that will benefit
Alameda County residents, businesses and/or visitors and of course YOU.
Yes, you can improve your local government and your community. It's 1 day and 5 hours
of hacking. Come, take the challenge, the AC Apps Challenge 2013.1.
Register @
When: April 27, 2013
Time: 8:30 am to 7:00 pm - 5 incredible hours of hacking somewhere in the middle!
Where: Berkeley High School - one block from the Downtown Berkeley Bart Station
Follow us on twitter at @ACDATA, send us a tweet and pass on the word #ACApps.
We'll see you there.