to clarify:
noisebridge doesn't *divert* money from general donations / income to
Noisetor accepts donations *specifically* for running the noisetor
project. The money is allocated to the project, and is certainly not
ours to spend on the space or rent. They're a sponsored project of the
Noisebridge organisation, and get to use our banking infrastructure etc
as such, but the money is separate.
let's be clear: NoiseTOR is something that
happens on a server in L.A.
that is paid for through the organization that is Noisebridge. It has
nothing to do with the physical place in any technical way. The
technical part of it is very simple.
The real issue is money. NoiseTOR is a way for (financial) supporters
of noisebridge to also pay for a big TOR exit node on a server somewhere.
When sudoroom starts making so much money that we can divert some of it
to pay for a TOR exit node, it will be very easy to set it up once it's
paid for.