Hey everyone,
How was last night's meeting? I wanted to declare my intent to join and
discuss ways I can get started volunteering on any ongoing projects, but I
didn't get on until after it ended. So I'll drop my info here so everyone
can look it over before next week's meeting.
First, here's my new sudohumans profile:
*Declaration of Intent to Join*
*Who I am*
My name is Andrew R Gross ("R" is my full middle name) and I'm a
politically conscious hacker and maker who just moved to Oakland from Los
*Why I want to join*
I'm looking for many things that I've gotten from previous experiences with
makerspaces: companionship; a rich well of technical expertise from which
to learn and contribute; an organizing structure in which to effectively
execute complex projects; and access to tools.
*What I'm excited to do*
I'm excited to use the laser cutter and the 6-axis arm, as well as to be a
part of something I have the power to improve through my volunteership.
*What I'm excited to share*
What I'd like to share is my time and my energy, as well as my unique
perspective (unique in the sense that we're all unique: my perspective
isn't uniquely valuable relative to anyone else's). I like to clean and to
organize group projects. I like to pay forward to others the good vibes and
support I've been fortunate to receive.
Anyone interested in getting to know me should contact CRASHSpace
hackerspace in LA <https://blog.crashspace.org/>, where I've been an active
member in good standing for a while. You can send an email to the general
mailbox <https://blog.crashspace.org/contact/> or just drop into the email
discussion list <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/crashspace> to ask
for general impressions about me.
Additionally, check out my sosh-meeds:
reddit: u/andrew gross <https://www.reddit.com/user/andrewrgross>
Insta: @andrew_r_gross <https://www.instagram.com/andrew_r_gross/>
LinkedIn: andrew-r-gross <https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-r-gross>
github: andrew gross <https://github.com/andrewrgross>
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 -
shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>