The legal way to resolve this is to get the proper insurance and permits.
Right now, it is likely that if anything happened, it would fall on the two
individuals on the lease, or on the landlord, who would follow by suing the
people on the lease.
On Thursday, September 5, 2013, Romy Ilano wrote:
It is unfortunate that the landlord is having issues
with children.
Maybe we can find some kind of legal way to resolve this issue?
Children add greatly to the atmosphere at SudoRoom. They are part of the
community and even more of our future than the tech we work on.
To date I have not seen any out of control Children at SudoRoom throwing
or breaking things. They are usually accompanied by parents. I can see a
slight issue with the alcohol, but maybe there can be some legal way to
work around this.
I feel great knowing that everyone is working hard on this matter.