Hi Tabby, Welcome!
What kind of laptop do you have? My iPhone can airdrop straight to my laptop, but the open
source version of that tech is fairly young still:
I really liked when laptops had infra-red ports. I think free space optics count as RF,
I don’t know that much about sudoroom yet (I am new here, and sort of new to Oakland) but
perhaps see you around!
On Wed, Jun 30, 2021, at 19:44, Tabby wrote:
I’m new here in this list and I just moved to Oakland.
The way the Internet is being used today, frustrates me. I don’t think I should need a
cloud service for my photos to automatically sync from my phone to my laptop when they
both have multiple radios and they’re inches apart for most of the day. I don’t know why
we all have to get individual wired Internet access and then set up our own wireless
networks in the same limited RF spectrum. I don’t like that sometimes it feels like I can
hardly communicate with another human being without seeing sponsored content. I don’t like
that no matter how many cookies I block, companies can track me by my IP address.
I write software/firmware and one of my hobbies is software defined radio. How can I
-Tabby 😺
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