I've shared an item with you:
Omni Pre-Inspection Tasks By Room
It's not an attachment -- it's stored online. To open this item, just click
the link above.
This is a multi-sheet spreadsheet doc listing all the tasks we need to
complete before we can pass our inspections - what David put together, but
split up by room.
These sheets are also physically printed and taped up in the following
* La Commune: Next to ADA bathroom
* Ballroom: Next to chandelier lights
* Ticket Booth Room: On the door
* Crow's Nest: on the inner OpAl door to the crow's nest
* Sudo / CCL: On the west side of the yellow locker in the middle of the
* Rise Above: To the left of the sliding doors
* Basement: Below the lights to the basement
* TIL: Above the little mailbox outside the door to the office
* Cafe Balcony: On the eastern refrigerator
* Disco Room: Below the lights to the room
Please do take on a project if you meet the requisite skill level, then
cross off things once complete. Even better, send an update to
building(a)lists.omnicommons.org - we meet every Monday at 8pm. We are
particularly in need of folks experienced with carpentry and electrical.
Primary projects right now are continuing the ballroom south wall
soundproofing (primarily hanging sheetrock) and installing firesafe and
accessible door closers and panic bars. Ping the building list if you'd
like to help out!