Hi friends,
So here at the meeting we're brainstorming about ways to bring more
people in to the space, both to be more inviting and receptive to the
needs of our community and to help bring more support to Sudoroom.
Towards that end, how about everyone who runs a group at the space make
an extra effort to reach out to others who might be interested in
joining your group or learning what you know? Try it this week!
It could mean doing a basic websearch and finding out if there are other
community groups that are interested in these issues or would benefit
from learning what you all know.
For example, with the cryptoparty, I'm excited to contact to some of the
activist groups that are organizing visible protests in Oakland and
would benefit from skills shared at a cryptoparty.. If you work on
robots, maybe reach out to some of the many robotics groups in the Bay
Area. Just send an email to let them know when and where; maybe they'll
show up :)
Let me know if you're interested in doing outreach, but don't know where
to start or who to invite. I'd be delighted to help.
Ever upward,