I noticed someone swept sudoroom and cleaned up a little bit, and it looks
I spent some time tonight moving stuff to the e-waste area and throwing
out trash and recycling and stuff.
There was a lot of stuff that I was like "how the fuck did this even get
inside sudoroom? Someone dumped it on us?
I really look forward to the day when Sudoroom has its own door, that can
be closed and locked when no members are here. That way, if someone wants
to drop off a bunch of garbage that they found down the street in the
Creative Re-Use dumpster, they will have to explain it to the member who
is watching out for that stuff - and hopefully the member will be
discriminating about donations.
Don't get me wrong, we get great donations, and they need sorting and it's
OK, but we get a lot of junk that doesn't belong, and I can only imagine
that it's being dropped off when nobody is here to say
"wait what!??! NO!!! take it back to wherever you got it, you can't
leave that here."
so, what do we think about a door? I guess it's complicated because there
are three ways to get into sudoroom.