Unsure if the Mailman again crashed, thus causing emails from the past
week (including this one) to be sent later.
But anyyyywaaaay, here goes....
Quoting Marc Juul <juul at labitat.dk>:
They Mozilla/NSF WINS event is scheduled tomorrow on top of our normal
More info on the challenge that this event is about here:
There will be a 40 minute panel which will include myself, and I believe
Thu Nguyen (the founder of Flowzo), Ahsan Baig (Deputy CIO, City of
Oakland) and Kalimah Priforce (CEO, Qeyno Labs).
*When and where:*
July 25, 6:30 - 8:30pm PT
Mozilla Community Space, 2 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA 94105
*RSVP for the event here <https://goo.gl/forms/piPSVK40Y50yJXer1>*
Yes, that happened as planned.
Robb and others of us at HHN watched and/or heard the live streaming of
the Mozilla/NSF WINS event.
You all can download and view the stream by visiting
https://air.mozilla.org/nsf-wins-bay-area-meet-up/ , choosing the
'Download' tab, and then saving the download from one of the links in that
tab as WebM (HD) or Mpeg4 (HD) --
-- I suggest renaming the download to something much more intelligible
than the default webm.webm, hd_webm.webm, mp4.mp4 or hd_mp4.mp4.
Mark 1st appears at 23 minutes ~49 seconds into the vid, taking his seat
and carrying his bottled beverage, and he starts speaking at 24 minutes
~28 seconds.