Hi all,
As announced at the previous delegates meeting, next week we are planning
to run plumbing lines from CCL from the Phat Beets room (and unclog the
plumbing in the PB room).
The planned schedule of work is Monday 12/5 through Friday 12/9, provided
nothing unexpected comes up.
This will necessitate digging a trench through the concrete from the PB
room, across the hallway, into CCL's BSL2 lab.
The trench will also produce large chunks of concrete in the hallway that
may not be removed for a couple of days, *as well as dust and loud noise* in
the hallway during the first workday while the trench is being made.
*** This in turn means the 48th st hallway will for all intents and
purposes be unusable during the week of construction ** *
In addition, during this period, *we are asking that the 48th st curbside
parking (adjacent to the 48th st doors) be dedicated to contractors
involved in the construction*, as heavy chunks of concrete, pipes etc must
ferried back and forth. Therefore we ask that any omnier parking there be
onsite and OK with moving their car (or the job may get more expensive.)
Approximately half of Phat Beets' room will have to be cleared out and the
rest of the room tarped out. As I mentioned in a separate email, some of
PB's property will be temporarily stowed in the basement while this work
progresses, while their computers and so on will be temporarily relocated
to the Omni office for them to work in, which will have a new lock on the
door for that week.
The day currently planned to move Phat Beets' gear is this Sunday 12/4,
precise time TBD. *Please, anyone who is available to assist in this move,
this will be an all-hands sort of thing and would be much appreciated*
(contact me for more info.)
As with the recent improvements undertaken and funded by CCL, these
improvements will add substantially to the usability of the CCL/Sudo area
and have been long-planned. In my opinion, Omni should be stoked that CCL
is contributing so substantially toward improving the building, albiet at
the cost of a weeks' inconvenience.