It's probably not the most efficient way of handling an electrical problem.
It will cost about $10 per receptical and it may not solve the problem.
The electrical blueprint that Gerold and I were working on is kind of the
place the solution should be sought.
Gerold's idea was to map outlets that we saw starting at the main panel.
That brought us to the main hall (La Commune) - Which now seems (or I've
been told) has all been ripped out in favor of installing surface conduit.
Perhaps Sudo ROOM is a more important area to have electricity working
(because it is the hub of wireless internet?) that would be a better place
for the mapping to continue (or pick up).
If you agree - then someone should bring this up with Gerold. Otherwise I
will keep my fat trap closed because I don't really know anyone's
priorities (let alone my own).
On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 7:17 PM, David Keenan <dkeenan44(a)> wrote:
Hey all,
Someone was experimenting with electrical stuff and tripped breakers...
I think Sudo's standard outlets should be rewired with GFI outlets if this
will cut down on this happening -
I will volunteer to replace these with one other who knows electrical
(Whitney? Jake?) if it can be budgeted. Is this agreeable to folks?
sudo-discuss mailing list
Alice Rosenthal
Bee Happy Solutions
1837 Prince St
Berkeley, CA 94703