I know there have been many safety issues lately and I
know that this
person mistreats women. I want no part of that.
I hope this answers your question about why I do not feel safe visiting
Sudo, Edwin.
Are you a member of Sudo Room ?
Is there a meeting tonight ?
*On Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 11:16 Edwinsaurus <plutosaurus(a)gmail.com
<plutosaurus(a)gmail.com>> wrote:*
*Why don't you feel safe? *
- Ash
On Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 11:12 AM Ashley T via sudo-discuss <
> sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org> wrote:
>> Thank you, I do wish to add that I will
feel safer if this is acted upon
>> immediately though.
>> - Ash
>> I am checking if the Sudo Room received info about a member being banned
>> from Omni Commons.
>> Sierk was banned by a Food Not Bombs
member yesterday and the ban went
>> into effect immediately for the whole Omni building.
>> Highlighted information of Sierk being banned by FNB member:
>> "Sierk - I think not making Omni
your home and being open to receiving
>> proper medic care will help you.*
>> *- It would be better if you don't repeat the dishonesty in your response
>> to volunteers so they can better help you.**- Please remove all your belongings
and yourself from the building.* *You
>> are no longer welcome in the space due to the numerous concerns mentioned.**-
Currently there are no mediations nor restorative justice planned (from
>> me anyway) since it may be too late, we didn't prioritize the incidents
>> when it first occurred.*
>> *-If you can, do some reflecting and reach out to whoever you feel
>> comfortable speaking with.*"
>> [ebfnb] Sierk update*Toan Nguyen*
guqinone at
>> *Mon Sep 9 06:35:43 PDT 2024*
>> - Previous message (by thread): [ebfnb] Fwd: Homeless Anthology
>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/007857.html
>> - Next message (by thread): [ebfnb]
Sierk update
>> <https://omnicommons.org/lists/private/ebfnb/2024-September/007861.html
>> - *Messages sorted by:* [ date ]
>> [ thread ]
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>> ------------------------------
>> Hi all,
>> *I have concerns on Sierk volunteering
within EBFNB.*
>> *I think the concerns are serious enough that Sierk no longer be part of
>> East Bay Food Not Bombs and Omni for the time being.*
>> *EB PREC / CALLI will have issues with
Sierk inhabiting the building.*
>> *The lax atmosphere at Omni enables individuals taking advantage...*
>> *...Sierk's disregard and
disrespect of the communal spaces around Omni is
>> an ongoing problem for years. We have been following up and the results
>> were more negative and dishonesty from him.*
>> *Below are updates and concerns:*
>> - On Tuesday August 20th, the Tuesday
and Friday WFM (Bay & Harrison
>> Oakland) pick up crew agreed to stop donations going to Omni's food
>> giveaway on Tuesday / Friday that Sierk coordinated.
>> - On Thursday September 5th, I have
asked Sierk to stop handling EBFNB
>> donations and he agreed.
>> - I'm also asking Sierk to stop
welcoming people who are not a part of Omni
>> to go in our fridge downstairs and help themselves on their own. I found
>> out on Friday (Sept. 6) after two people were seen doing that and they told
>> me Sierk gave them permission.
>> There was no communication from Sierk to any EBFNB volunteers or Omni
>> members.
>> (My leniency reached its limit from this)
>> *The concerns are:*
>> *- Food handling from Sierk are
unkempt, unsanitary, unhygienic body and
>> foul body odor.*
>> *- Sierk never proposed the food
giveaway event (on Tues / Fri) to neither
>> Omni or EBFNB for a discussion and approval.* *Despite several request and
>> suggestions to do so.*
>> *- Non communicative and irresponsible
and disrespectful with food
>> donations and usage of EBFNB spaces and in other areas at Omni.*
>> *Recently there were hundreds of pounds of food (grains stored in the
>> kitchen) that had to be discarded that he accepted and not taking
>> responsibility for it. Leaving it out that attracted rats, and volunteers
>> to deal with.*
>> *Smelly soiled clothing of his were found in the corners of the kitchen.*
>> *This was addressed to him and he disregarded it.*
>> *- Inappropriate and erratic behaviors
towards volunteers.*
>> *Includes talking down to and shouting at people.*
>> *There's a video footage (taken by an Omni member) of Sierk shouting at a
>> new EBFNB volunteer. She disengaged and walked away.*
>> *His angry behavior is a pattern towards volunteers including myself last
>> Thursday the 29th.*
>> *- M**ade decisions that risks the
building and people in it to harm.
>> Includes allowing known problematic persons in (that are not members of any
>> groups at Omni).*
>> *- Disregard multiple requests to not
sleep inside Omni, not cleaning up
>> after usage of space.*
>> *Sierk sleeps in Omni sitting up on his desk area and when approached he
>> says he is working (non Omni or collectives related) on his laptop late
>> into the night or all nighters. His leg is swelling up as a suspected
>> result of habitual sleeping while sitting up.*
>> *- Rejected several offers from
different people to assist in getting
>> proper medical care. Have been self diagnosing his body as a "medical
>> condition" and using it as a reason for behavior.*
>> *- P**rior violent verbal interactions
at volunteers. Was never held
>> accountable or acknowledged wrong doings and tried to justify his actions
>> (and believable to some volunteers...)*
>> *This preventable harm resulted in several upset volunteers that are afraid
>> and hurt to quit EBFNB and not going to Omni specifically to avoid him.*
>> *This is not an exhaustive list and
there are proof for all the concerns
>> and claims.*
>> *The concerns has negatively affected
collectives and the spaces in the
>> building; Liberated Lens, Sacred Maker Arts Collective, individuals at
>> Omni, and volunteers within EBFNB.*
>> *The organizations, individuals, and volunteers has put in their numerous
>> complaints and it was addressed without a sustained helpful solution,
>> acknowledgement, or accountability from EBFNB.*
>> *I foresee new complaints to us from
the new entity that will soon manage /
>> be responsible to the building begining this week.*
>> *On Friday they discovered another person who appears to be sleeping in a
>> part of the building:*
>> *" *He said he was not sleeping there, and would be leaving at 6pm after
>> doing some sewing. I hope my concern is unfounded, but it definitely looked
>> like he might be staying there. When I asked what collective he was a part
>> of he said he was with CC. There were also some cats with him.
>> Since CALLI doesn’t own the property
yet I can’t really take any action. I
>> am hopeful he does leave by 6pm today, but wanted to alert you delegates
>> since until Monday or Tuesday you are still responsible for the building. I
>> would appreciate if you could make your best non-violent efforts to ensure
>> that space is vacant by the time CALLI does take ownership and
>> responsibility for the space. *"*
>> The person mentioned above is not
Sierk. I'm sharing this to share a sense
>> of how the building will be managed.
>> I have been patiently following up
throughout the years and was
>> unsuccessful in my attempts to remedy the situation.
>> There are others that have been trying to help without success. We had a
>> help Sierk committee that was created this mid year that included several
>> of us: Ron, Helen, Joe, Judith and I.
>> I have not shared updates to this email list since a couple of volunteers
>> (Judith, Ron) requested I don't do that or even mention his name. Our
>> attempts to support failed and we need to update / reach out to the larger
>> group.
>> *Sierk - I think not making Omni your
home and being open to receiving
>> proper medic care will help you.*
>> *- It would be better if you don't repeat the dishonesty in your response
>> to volunteers so they can better help you.*
>> *- Please remove all your belongings and yourself from the building.* *You
>> are no longer welcome in the space due to the numerous concerns mentioned.*
>> *- Currently there are no mediations nor restorative justice planned (from
>> me anyway) since it may be too late, we didn't prioritize the incidents
>> when it first occurred.*
>> *-If you can, do some reflecting and reach out to whoever you feel
>> comfortable speaking with.*
>> Compassion differs from pity. Pitying
Sierk isn't helping him or us in any
>> space, it doesn't address solutions but provides a temporary sense of
>> relief such as bringing him clean clothes and food regularly and not
>> laundry / food service that he can attend to himself (the clothes begins to
>> soiled in corners and food accumulates and spoils in the upstairs fridge).
>> Pity prolongs the problems and makes it difficult for the person to grow
>> out of the accustomed unhealthy lifestyle.
>> All - Please refrain (especially those
who do not frequent Omni to have
>> enough understanding) from reacting to my message. We can have
>> conversations and talk about it further for details and context, which I
>> can be open to share more.
>> If a fluid meeting is necessary I can
set up a video call where we can all
>> interact in a timely manner and see each other.
>> Thanks,
>> Toan
>> On Fri, Apr 12, 2024, 6:52 PM Judith
Gips <yipslsquirrel2 at
<https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/ebfnb>> wrote:
>> >* Thank you for keeping us posted.
>> *>>* Has Sierk tried Suitcase Clinic? great all volunteer program that
>> *>* physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, and more.
>> *>>* I can buy some soap, shampoo etc and maybe some clothing.
>> *>>* On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 4:30 PM Ron Weisberg <ronwei at
<https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/ebfnb>> wrote:
>> *>>>* Hi all, Toan, Sierk and I met Friday afternoon as follow up on
>> *>>* and food handling. Here’s what I have observed and shared with Toan
>> *>>* Sierk:
>> *>>>>* 1. Overall hygiene seems better, less odor and generally
better body and
>> *>>* clothes cleanliness
>> *>>>>* 2. Reduced handling of food by Sierk; I am there at 12:30 on
Fridays to
>> *>>* sort the food donations. (We are still looking for Tuesday help.)
>> *>>>>* 3. Sierk has relocated to another part of OMNI, so no longer
in proximity
>> *>>* to the collectives which have complained.
>> *>>>>* 1. Sierk needs help with laundry and bathing (has a few
options but needs
>> *>>* more)
>> *>>>>* 2. Needs more clothes; at least another change of shirt,
trousers and
>> *>>* jacket and socks. Perhaps someone could take him shopping. Shirt
>> *>>* Jacket size = x-large; trousers = 38X34; shoe = 12.
>> *>>>>* 3. Needs medical attention to his lower leg persistent skin
>> *>>* complicated by possibility any free service will end up being billed
to a
>> *>>* third party, who has assisted in the past; Sierk does not want this.
>> *>>>>* Please contact Sierk directly if you can help.
>> *>>>>* Ron
>> *>>>>>