sudo-discuss February 2013
  • 71 participants
  • 125 discussions

Tech Liminal has Moved: Party on Friday, Feb 15
by Anca | Tech Liminal
11 years, 10 months

Fwd: Re: Online access to Sudo Room websites
by rachel lyra hospodar
11 years, 10 months

FOIA Database?
by Troy Massey
11 years, 10 months

Clothes Hacking TODAY at Sudo Room
by rachel lyra hospodar
11 years, 10 months

Oakland Nights Live
by Oakland Nights Live
11 years, 10 months

Open Source Desktop Biotech lab - Wiki set up (still preliminary) but please feel free to add your thoughts
by Ryan Bethencourt
11 years, 10 months

Oxy-acetylene Torch
by Morten H. D. Fuglsang
11 years, 10 months

Open Source Desktop Biotech lab meeting tonight 6pm at Sudo room
by Ryan Bethencourt
11 years, 10 months

East Bay Bike Party this evening
by Matthew Senate
11 years, 10 months

anyone able to pick up an x-ray machine from Daly City?
by Matthew Senate
11 years, 10 months
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