Dear Kopimists and the People who Love Them.
For the featured Filo delicacy for Friday Filosophy, we will have potato burekas.
I propose we talk about the difference between source code, object code, and executable code in regards to 1st Amendment protection. In other words, when is code speech and when is it a speech-act subject to less legal protection?
Below is an excerpt from an essay by Lee Tien, a brilliant EFF attorney for more than a decade, on Software as Speech (2000). These two …
[View More]paragraphs are in the section: Viruses and other "dangerous" software.
Of course, as always, we can talk about whatever else. Such as conscience and the unconscionable, perhaps.
Lee Tien, Publishing Software as a Speech Act, Vol. 15 Berkeley Tech. Law Journal (2000)
> Let’s return to the virus hypothetical.192 The main concern lies in the fact that the software may be “diverted” toward unlawful purposes, regardless of the speaker’s intent. This concern is, however, not unique to software. It also applies to other types of information usable for mischief or harassment, whether highly technical like information about nuclear weapons, or utterly mundane like a person’s name, address or telephone number.
> Even if the virus author merely posts the source code and fails to release it in active form, the issue remains whether the posting was done with an intent to communicate. If the author claims that she intended it to communicate, we would need to examine the context to decide the plausibility of that claim. There will often be a plausible claim. There is no question that people study viruses and other dangerous software in order to prevent or relieve harm.193 One way to control a virus is to publish its source code so that systems operators can disable or protect against it. Communicating a virus’ source code as part of such an effort qualifies as a speech act because the publisher intends to communicate how the virus works in a conventional way. In fact, one could imagine entire journals or Internet sites devoted to viruses and other dangerous software.194 When such publications aim to alert the world to these dangers, their intent is clearly communicative.
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hi all,
we've been having discussions around membership and access. as part of that
discussion, i volunteered to consolidate some of the various ideas for
benefits that we can tie to membership.
check out the suggestions, add your own, keep a discussion going:
- marina
To: Everyone interested in receiving Art murmur related posts please
sign yourselves up to the new Art Murmur mailing list:
I've been following this project for a while, their goal is to produce a
small ARM board with everything you need to program it built in for only $5
-- the idea being that at that price, you can stick them everywhere and not
have to worry about the cost. They are now close to being finished, and are
trying to raise enough money to get some prototypes out into the hands of
hackers looking to play with them. You can see details on the project here:
> *open:* …
[View More]entirely open source hardware and software
> *powerful: *ARM Cortex-M4 with DSP extensions, 50MHz, 32KB code flash,
> 8KB RAM, 32KB data flash
> *easy to use:* programmable via USB; USB 2.0 full speed device and host
> in hardware
> *massive connectivity: *10 PWM outputs, 12 analog inputs, 29 GPIOs, 6
> serial interfaces, 14 touch sense inputs
> *low power:* can run directly from a coin cell battery for months
> *extensible: *add LiPo battery charger, 2.4GHz radio, extra flash memory,
> all without additional boards
> *small:* only 50mm*19mm / 1.97in*0.75in
> *cheap:* $5 to build at home
They need to sell 50 in order to get bulk pricing on stuff, for $60 (which
includes shipping) you get:
> 5 boards + all the parts needed for them
> 2 RF communications boards (NRF24L01+)
> 2 LiPo battery charger ICs
> 2 180mAh LiPo batteries
> 2 1MB SPI flash ICs
> 3 different power regulators (so you can run from a variety of power
> sources)
> 2 microUSB jacks (the boards themselves will plug into a USB port
> directly, the optional jack allows you to instead use a USB cable)
I've already ordered a kit, I'm thus spamming you all in the hopes that
others will as well and I can get my boards (I have an unhealthy addiction
to small inexpensive microcontroller boards)
link to order here -->
Note that this is not a finished product yet -- you'll either need a bit of
experience with ARM and microcontroller dev, or be willing to wait to use
the boards until they finish all the software and iron out any issues that
may arise.
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So i just signed up for this class on coursea:
It starts september 9th, but if anyone else signed up or wanted to sign up,
we could have a weekly study night to help each other.
I always study better with others, so if you're down, let me know!
Dear Friends :
Please join us for the culminating session of SUMMER SCHOOL 2013 at the BAY AREA PUBLIC SCHOOL (2141 Broadway) :
WHAT IS INFORMATION (co-presented with Sudo Room)
an all-day session on information, privacy, surveillance & resistance !
Here's the totally awesome schedule :
12-3pm: CRYPTOPARTY! Bring & secure your laptop/phone in a hands-on session!
Also, from 12-1pm: Free YOGA for those who don't need to cryptoparty, by the wonderful Lisa Light!
3-6pm: LIGHTNING …
3pm Introduction / Emerging Technologies of Oppression and Liberation
by David Keenan (Bay Area Public School)
3:15 "Understanding 'Big Data'"
by Andrew Ahn (engineer)
3:30 WALKING INFOTOUR OF Oakland's NEW camera surveillance network / Domain Awareness Center
by Becky Hurwitz, Emi Kane, Sarah Reilly, Salima Hamirani (security activists)
4:10 "Citizen Science: From Institutions to Community"
by Craig Rouskey (SUDO GETit Project)
4:30 Creating a Network Commons: The Oakland Community Mesh Project
by Marc Juul and Jenny Ryan (SUDO Room)
4:45 "Security Activism: What We Know Works, What We Know Doesn't, and What We Don't Know But Probably Should Know Better"
by Danny O'Brien (Electronic Frontier Foundation/EFF)
5:00 PANEL DISCUSSION featuring:
Moxie Marlinspike (Open WhisperSystems/RedPhone),
Bill Budington (Electronic Frontier Foundation),
..and the other attendees! This will be amazing.
8:00 till 11PM : Summer School week CLOSING PARTY! DANCIN'! DRINX!
FEATURIN' DJ Public Frenemy (Liam O'Donoghue!)
We hope you will join us for what we expect to be a tremendous event !
Love & solidarity -- David Brazil (for the Summer School organizing committee)
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Dear Friends :
If you are coming Saturday for "What Is Information?" (co-presented with Sudo Room), please
consider bringing some food to share with everyone ! We wanna see what practical communization looks like !
If you need inspiration, possible things to bring are :
+ a dozen bagels with cream cheese or hummus
+ fresh fruit
+ cookies, muffins, cakes or pastries
+ chips and dip or salsa
+ …
[View More]anything else that's ready to eat (or only requires microwave)
Bring your food on by any time after 12noon on Saturday -- we will be glad to see you & glad for the support !
See you for 'What is Information?' !
Love & solidarity -- David Brazil (for the Summer School committee)
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The last day of the Bay Area Public School / Sudo Room's weeklong Summer
School program, Information Day kicks off with a 3-hour Cryptoparty
starting at 12pm. We'll be showing people how to run Tor (anonymous
browsing), set up private and public keys for authentication, use encrypted
chat, and secure their phone calls. All skill levels welcome!
The day will culminate in a series of lightning talks from 3-6pm,
featuring Moxie
Marlinspike of Open Whisper Systems <…
[View More]gt;, Danny
O'Brien and Bill Budington from the EFF <>, Craig Rouskey
from the GETit citizen science phage therapy
research<>group, and Marc Juul
and Jenny Ryan from the Oakland
Mesh <> networking group.
Potential plans also include a surveillance tour of the neighborhood led by
some of the folks involved in the Domain Awareness Center campaign.
We'll conclude the evening with free drinks and dancing!
Sudo Room is located at 2141 Broadway St, two blocks from the 19th St
Oakland BART. Curl left around the corner at 22nd - the entrance is on 22nd
St. We'll be running from 12-6, so drop in anytime. Flier attached.
Come and party like it's 1984! :P
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
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