sudo-discuss June 2014
  • 58 participants
  • 140 discussions

Call for Facilitators / Participants in a sudo Men's Group
by Matthew Senate
5 years

Re: [sudo-discuss] Tiny houses made for homeless in West Oak
by Mark Perlin
9 years, 11 months

Re: [sudo-discuss] Breaking: Oakland to lead country in, diverting anti-terror funding to ubiquitous warrantless surveillance
by Shawn Lesniak
10 years, 2 months

Friday Filosophy: Software as Speech
by Eddan Katz
10 years, 2 months

blog post: troy visits RPS Collective down the street
by Romy Ilano
10 years, 4 months

What's happening to the internet when we move?
by Maximilian Klein
10 years, 6 months

Re: [sudo-discuss] waste/recycling place I reccomend for today's dump run
by Somebody
10 years, 6 months

Fwd: Announcing Round 8 of Alternative Exposure
by Matthew Senate
10 years, 6 months

OMNI Access
by Matthew Senate
10 years, 6 months

Help clean the room - today is our last day at 2141!
by Jenny Ryan
10 years, 6 months
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