I said "your 'community' space," but honestly, I still want this to be my
space, too. I hardly ever make a fuss about any of this stuff because it's
all so futile, you know? but in this case, I really want to make my point
clear: I think we should rescind our action against Rannette. I think
she's been treated unfairly. Even if she is "aggressive" towards you or
your compatriots, I don't think we need white dudes policing our space of
black women's bodies. Matt, you claim to have acted in …
[View More]another's interest
and you offer an injured third party -- let them speak for themselves,
because I don't think it's your place right now. If there was a violent
incident that threatened our space, let's hear it from a witness or an
involved party. "Something Happened" is not good enough. Otherwise "but
above all the Omni
Commons must maintain a safe, welcoming environment" seems to fly directly
in the face of the lived experience of too many black people.
[View Less]
Hey all,
I wanted to reach out for some feedback. Seeking folks who would want to
facilitate or participate in a men's group.
I've previously participated in small groups like this and found them
beneficial for various reasons. I would like to see if folks have had
similar or different experiences.
The way I'm thinking about this would culminate in something like a regular
meeting for men in the sudo room community to discuss relevant issues
including those of identity, oppression, privilege,…
[View More] patriarchy, gender,
sexuality, stereotypes, safe space, and mutual support.
This may not be the best or even a viable path to approach these topics,
but I wanted to throw it out there to see if there is any interest.
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Here's some images of the Seiko SMI 3200 Scanning Electron Microscope that
is in need of a new home:
Note that this is NOT a small system! It's not huge as SEM's go, but
definitely not desktop - more like "small room sized". And it would
obviously need some dedicated person to keep it in good running condition.
It is however almost brand new, and currently *running*, at <5nm …
[View More]resolution!
Beam Services Inc is down in Pleasanton, so I guess interested parties
could potentially go and have a look at the system. This kind of equipment
would be a significant commitment and investment in time and effort on our
part, so let's coordinate on this shall we?
On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Nathan McCorkle <nmz787(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Useful for micro and nano imaging, as well as micro and nano milling
> and deposition (if it has a gas injector system).
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> From: <microscopylistserver-noreply(a)microscopy.com>
> Date: Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 4:49 PM
> Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:SMI3200 FIB system looking for a good home
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> Email: dan.buntman(a)beamservices.com
> Name: Dan Buntman
> Organization: Beam Services, Inc.
> Title-Subject: [Filtered] SMI3200 FIB system looking for a good home
> Message: We have a Seiko SMI3200 FIB single beam system available for
> donation to any university or
> other non-profit organization. The system has only been used
> ~3,500hrs., is fully functional and
> currently operating in our facility with demonstrated resolution of
> <5nm. The recipient will be
> responsible for crating, shipping and installation costs. If you are
> interested please contact me
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[View Less]
tonight, June 28th, I won't be able to make it to Hardware Hacking
Tuesday, because i'm going to Hawaii.
If anyone else is available, please show up at Sudoroom and welcome newcomers
as best you can! try to help them with their projects and introduce them to
others (including people who are not present) who might share their interests
or have answers for them.
try to have a good time even though I won't be there.
Hey all,
I've been working on https://omnicommons.org/blog as a replacement to
omnicommons.org and seeing how far we can go to simplify our lives in that
regard. I'm not married to any of the content, and most of the style. This
theme is selected because it's a really simple mobile-oriented
genesis-based (therefore super-fast-loading) child theme. I'd be down to
style it out a lot or just a little to move us forward.
Events Manager and the ESS feed are not working, so that's got to end. This
[View More]is the most promising event plugin I've found so far:
I love it! However, the "frontend submit" form plugin (an extension to the
basic eme plugin) leaves something to be desired. See here how we can
customize it a bit:
Attached is a form template I started working on, but that doesn't quite
implement the drop-down menu for locations properly (locations do not get
successfully saved).
If anyone has bandwidth, I could use a hand fixing up a better custom form
that especially can:
- Restrict locations to those pre-defined in wordpress and made
available as a drop-down menu on the front end.
- Allow for submitting recurring event requests (only single works right
now as far as I can tell, but the admin event add forms allow for
- Adds the additional fields necessary to successfully replace our
current booking form.
LMK if anyone wants to meet up to hack on this.
[View Less]
I have been informed that DJ Neon Leon perpetrated some unacceptably
creepy behavior the other night, and I ask that he not come to the space
until or unless this is addressed.
please email me directly if you want to discuss this, i'm not sure what to
do next.
Dear Sudo Room,
Resending July's invoice, which didn't get sent out properly.
Thanks for stewarding the commons!
Omni Oakland
------------------------ Invoice Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1353
Invoice Date: 05/25/2016
Due Date: 06/25/2016
Terms: Net 10
Amount Due: $2,310.18
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
I set up a Patreon for People's Open Network!
Now if anyone wants to support us with a small monthly pledge you can hand
them this link :)
for the record, Chris recently brought us many very useful audio cables
(1/8" - xlr) including some that are hard to find (i was going to have to
make em). i know that doesn't buy one's way out of abusing the space but
maybe it warrants one last warning before a ban.
either way, thank you, Juul, for addressing this pervasive matter.
On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 11:05 AM, <sudo-discuss-request(a)lists.sudoroom.org>
> Send sudo-discuss mailing list submissions to
> sudo-…
[View More]discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://sudoroom.org/lists/listinfo/sudo-discuss
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> sudo-discuss-request(a)lists.sudoroom.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> sudo-discuss-owner(a)lists.sudoroom.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of sudo-discuss digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Fwd: [omni-consensus] Proposal for GCS/YES to become member
> collective (Jenny Ryan)
> 2. We have a Patreon page! (Marc Juul)
> 3. New bans (Marc Juul)
> 4. Gig to make tech for volunteer Doulas. (Maximilian Klein)
> 5. STEAM Vault event in Downtown Hayward, this Thurs June 16th
> (Carl Gorringe)
> 6. Re: STEAM Vault event in Downtown Hayward, this Thurs June
> 16th (Carl Gorringe)
> 7. sudo room 501(c)3 perk from github -- sudoers get free,
> unlimited private repos under /sudoroom (Matt Senate)
> 8. help with DIY PCB etching? (Patrik D'haeseleer)
> 9. Re: help with DIY PCB etching? (Jake)
> 10. Re: help with DIY PCB etching? (Patrik D'haeseleer)
> 11. Sleepers (Marc Juul)
> 12. Cryptoparty this weekend! (Jehan Tremback)
> 13. [Noisebridge-announce] Fix-It Hardware Repair Club this
> Thursday!!! (fwd) (Jake)
> 14. Cryptoparty details (Jehan Tremback)
> 15. Re: [Noisebridge-announce] Fix-It Hardware Repair Club this
> Thursday!!! (fwd) (Patrik D'haeseleer)
> 16. IoT Manufacturing Meetup (Elizabeth W. Biddlecome)
> 17. Re: IoT Manufacturing Meetup (Rohit Upadhya)
> 18. Tomorrow - React component in 100 lines of code (Lesley Bell)
> 19. Make books on Humble Bundle (Morgan Allen)
> 20. PCB Assembly gig, soldering surfacemount components (Jake)
> 21. Changes to sudo room github access (Marc Juul)
> 22. Re: The Omni Commoner, June 2016 Edition! (Jenny Ryan)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2016 01:09:51 -0700
> From: Jenny Ryan <tunabananas(a)gmail.com>
> To: sudo-discuss <sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org>
> Subject: [sudo-discuss] Fwd: [omni-consensus] Proposal for GCS/YES to
> become member collective
> Message-ID:
> <
> CAF0yFe4qnxOsTJbE-5WGm+EuNvFPDhzHJmOXjptnBa4_7VcMgw(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Up for consensus at the next Omni Delegates Meeting (June 16th).
> Please weigh in by the 15th with any questions, concerns, feedback!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Laura Turiano <scylla(a)riseup.net>
> Date: Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 1:22 PM
> Subject: [omni-consensus] Proposal for GCS/YES to become member collective
> To: "consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>, "
> discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
> Cc: ALmaz <ahana75(a)gmail.com>
> Application from Global Communication Services/YES Program to become a
> member collective of the Omni Commons
> 1. Mission statement
> What do you do?
> The mission of Global Communication Services (GCS) is to provide community
> service for individuals, families, and community groups toward health
> consulting, health benefits, cultural exchange and immigrate support here
> in United States and international.
> The mission of Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is to advance and support
> children, youth, and family on academic breakthroughs in life development,
> job placement and other activities focusing and envisioning a community
> where all young people have the opportunities and access to programs
> without restriction of race, cultural difference or socioeconomic status.
> What happens in the world because you exist?
> Our program serves the community by tutoring/mentoring and providing
> educational workshops. We also teach cultural art history, and different
> languages through workshops and events. Our services encompass problem
> solving approaches based on education and tapping into the cultural
> strengths and living experiences of African immigrants and Black African
> American youth and families. We help to uncover the individuals hidden
> talents and strengths which leads to healthy self esteem, individual and
> group self-reliance. Our program is open to all ethnic groups who choose to
> excel and claim their genius!
> 2. Origin and group history
> How did you start?
> Originally, Global Communication Services (GCS) was established in 2012 as
> my (Almaz’s) consulting business to provide community service for
> individuals, families, and community groups toward health consulting,
> health benefits, immigrate support. Which included language interpreting
> and translating services. I had people working with me doing the same
> thing. As a part of GCS we taught cultural literacy for African immigrant
> youth, like cultural dance, language; as well as sports and hiking and
> camping trip to Yosemite National Park. After a long time personal
> experience working with immigrant families and being one of the reader for
> 13 afterschool programs at the City of Oakland in 2013. I seen the main
> problem children face especially around the low-income families and how new
> immigrant dealt within the public school system. At the end of 2014 decided
> to incorporate a few staff members to GCS and enhance the youth program,
> YES, which will focus on youth academic and life development support.
> How does your group make decisions?
> Our group makes decision collectively by majority vote if necessary to
> do so. So fare we don’t have any conflicts or misunderstanding, each staff
> member contributes to the program cooperatively.
> What have you done?
> We have helped several youth with their academic work, job placement,
> health and wellness training. We host community based cultural events and
> workshops. We are a pioneer collective group with different cultural and
> educational backgrounds. We work collectively with community groups
> locally, nationally and internationally. Our staff meets at least once per
> month.
> 3. Participation in the Omni
> Why are you interested in becoming a member? How does your group intend to
> use the space? What are your needs?
> Our mission and the objectives of the Omni are aligned. We both are
> working diligently to improve and empower individuals and the community.
> We also enjoy the location of the Omni. Hosting events at the Omni would be
> of great value to our team.
> Becoming a part of the ownership team is also a very exciting opportunity
> for our organization.
> We would like to be fiscally sponsored by the Omni.
> How does your group intend to use the space?
> We intend to use the space for workshops, classroom trainings, events,
> rehearsals, and collective member meetings.
> What are your needs?
> Our need is to have space at the Omni as a member collective. We will use
> the space to have locked storage, books, and a table for small class
> meetings. We will also have larger events like fundraisers, health
> trainings, or music and cultural programs that we would like to hold in the
> larger common spaces.
> 4. Group finances and paying rent?
> What does your group do to support itself financially? What is your best
> plan for contributing your potential share of rent to the Omni?
> Please include relevant financial statements, documentation of sufficient
> income (e.g. balance sheet, bank statement profit & loss statement).
> We have about $500 from the community fundraiser events and we are planning
> to charge sliding scale admission for workshops, classroom trainings, and
> other large music events. We have been invited to apply for several
> government and private grants. Our anticipated largest funding source for
> our youth project will be coming from grants and monthly member donations.
> We propose to pay $100 a month in rent plus utilities for the first
> three-months until we receive grants to support our program. After the
> first three months we will pay $200 for rent plus utilities and would like
> to become the stewards of the blue classroom and have priority use of that
> space. We do not plan to charge youth or low-income families for our
> services however, we do accept donations.
> We do not currently have a bank account. As a fiscally sponsored project we
> would open a sub account under the Omni’s bank account.
> 5. Dedicated space
> If your group would like some dedicated space at the Omni, what square
> footage and what features are you looking for? Which specific rooms do you
> feel might be suitable?
> We are proposing to steward and maintain the Blue classroom and keep a
> locked storage cabinet there after our first three months of membership. We
> would have priority for our youth classes and family consulting, and would
> make the space available to other groups when we were not using it.
> 6. Other contributions to the Omni
> This question should inspire some imagination. We are exploring
> ideas to pay rent and purchase the building in the long-term. The basic
> plan is for each group paying a share of rent. Potential plans include
> groups sharing profit from their activities, producing Omni events, and
> booking other events. What is the best-case scenario for using the Omni
> space to further support your group?
> One of the ways that we may be able to generate funds is by hosting
> monthly events. At first this income may be slow yet if we continue we
> will look to attract sponsors and also grow our attendance of our events.
> We also plan to produce mutually beneficial community programs for the
> Omni that would entail youth related film screenings, concerts & workshops…
> We can help the Omni by participating on the working groups. Almaz has
> been volunteering with the Commons working group for about 2 months.
> We hope that this project will greatly expand the scope of the
> Omni’s community and increase its visibility. There is a chance that
> funders and donors introduced to the Omni through our Program would
> financially support the project of the Omni. We plan to bring more African
> and African American community members and others who would increase the
> diversity of the Omni’s community in many ways, including inviting
> programming for and by community groups who represent our neighborhood and
> community.
> Wanda Sabir of KPFA and Sophie of KPOO are also media supporters of
> YES. We can mention the Omni on our radio broadcast and other media
> collaborations.
> 7. Additional information?
> Is there any other information that you think would be useful for us to
> know about your group?
> Our collective will have diverse group members, artists, business
> owners, educators, musicians, authors, which all those who organize and
> those who participate are all considered collective members. Will also have
> volunteers temporary member participates from deferent community groups,
> which include college/university students and community educators. All
> participates in our program would not necessarily be considered members
> unless they show constant involvement at YES program.
> Introduce your key collective members here
> Almaz Yihdego Founder and program coordinator/Tigrinya/Amharic teacher.
> Noura Hassaini Child Development English/French/ and Arabic teacher
> Lawrence Brisco Business development, entrepreneurship trainer through
> creative gardening and landscape design.
> Daniel Williams Swahili and mathematics teacher
> Akanke Adesokan Holistic health and culturally relevant
> Responsive holistic empowering counselor and performing artist
> Eden Mana health and wellness, health eating habits and nutrition counselor
> Fiyory Melake chemistry and biology teacher
> Mical Free art and graphic-design teacher
> Baba Kala Music and cultural history teacher
> Far I Shields musician, artist and author for global transformation
> Melvin Cowan program fund and resource advisor
> Yoel Haile student academic resource and job placement coordinator
> Thank you,
> Almaz Yihdego
> www.globalcommunicationservices.org
> _______________________________________________
> consensus mailing list
> consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org
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