---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Helen Finkelstein <hefinkel(a)gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 8:44 PM
Subject: [omni-consensus] lease agreements proposal version 3.4
To: <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
A collective may find itself in financial difficulties. If a
collective cannot meet its rent because of a cash-flow problem or some
other glitch, it should work out the problem with the finance
But a deeper problem may require a collective to change the terms of
its lease or fiscal sponsorship. This could be a financial problem, or
it could be some other issue such as the collective's use of its
space. If a collective needs to change the terms of any part of its
lease it must come to the Delegates' Assembly with a proposal for new
terms within one month. Even if the collective is unable to pay its
rent, it retains full membership in the OMNI for three months, as long
as a solution to the problem is being negotiated in good faith.
The three-month clock starts ticking as soon as the collective comes
to a Delegates' Assembly, or fails to meet the terms of its agreement,
whichever comes first.
It is the responsibility of a collective with a problem to bring it to
the Delegates' Assembly.
The delegates must prioritize finding a way to retain a current member
- Helen
consensus mailing list
Hi Sudoers,
There is now a Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) node running at Sudo Room, on the space.local server. The node's id is
@U0uq5om3k51u4Eokk0CLYOE61cWSyY9Ex6zNj4lhTLE=.ed25519 and its nickname is "sudoer".
If you run SSB (e.g. Patchwork) and are connected to the WiFi or wired network here, you will see @sudoer and can follow it. It will automatically follow you. This means you can get connected to the main SSB network just by running SSB while on the LAN here.
If you have an account on the space.local server, you can access @sudoer's web-based UI ("patchfoo"), to browse the SSB network from the node's perspective, and post as the node - including following/unfollowing contacts and updating its profile description. To do so, ssh to space.local with option `-L 8027:localhost:8027` and then open http://localhost:8027/ in your local browser.
This node is not currently running as a "pub", but if there is interest in that, I could try to make that happen.
If you would like to help administer this node, let me know and I can authorize your SSH key for its user account. It is currently co-administered by noffle <sww(a)eight45.net>.
someone made a "computer" by taping a laptop motherboard onto the back of an
old LCD monitor and set it up on the main tables of sudoroom.
The duct tape has loosened and the whole thing has fallen apart. But I know
that someone put a bunch of work into this thing and they probably want to take
it or some of the parts.
Does anyone know who made it?
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thank you for stewarding the commons.
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons
------------------------ Pledge Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1878
Invoice Date: 09/01/2019
Due Date: 09/25/2019
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $6,000.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yardena Cohen <yardenack(a)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 1:50 PM
Subject: Solar panels meeting tonight 7pm
To: <building(a)lists.omnicommons.org>, discuss <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
A few of us will be meeting at Omni 7pm tonight to talk about putting
solar panels on the roof. We'll probably be in the entrance hall
A friend reached out to me asking if Omni may be interested on a display.
Pasting below part of the message with the details:
“Daniel. I am wanting to get rid of my 2008 55" Vizo 1080p flat screen. Was
thinking this could find use at The Omni. If you know someone with a truck
they can pick it up at my place this coming weekend. Works fine except for
every now and then a couple of lines appear mostly on the left side, but
they dont appear all of the time.”
Thank you, and please let me know.
Hi sudodiscuss!
I was hoping to come by to use the laser cutter and was having trouble
finding any information about it on the sudoroom wiki.
I'd heard there was a new laser cutter set up there now too so just was
wondering about the status/information of both machines?
I've used a few different laser cutters pretty extensively in the past but
each one can be finicky in its own way so was wondering if anyone could
point me towards any resources, or would be able to help me out in the next
few days?
Was hoping to finish up a project in time for camp next week :)
Ok Rich said he will be "outside at 7", I believe this means sudo room but
I've written back to confirm.
His email address is rich.gporter(a)gmail.com if you need to get in contact.
I need to pick some one up before sudo room and will try to be there around
then. Don't hold up for me if I don't make it in time though.
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019, 5:19 PM Adam Munich <me(a)adammunich.com> wrote:
> You two are the only ones who responded, I will text Richard and see if he
> still wants to do this today.
> - - - -
> Weblog: http://adammunich.com
> With great power comes great responsibility.
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 11:57 AM <cel(a)celehner.com> wrote:
>> I can help
>> On August 10, 2019 12:13:08 PM PDT, Adam Munich <me(a)adammunich.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm told by Rayc that on this coming Tuesday at 7, we're going to need
>>> at least 3 hackers to coordinate moving a laser cutter into Sudo Room.
>>> Reach out to me (off list) if you'd like to help.
>>> - - - -
>>> Weblog: http://adammunich.com
>>> With great power comes great responsibility.
I'm told by Rayc that on this coming Tuesday at 7, we're going to need at
least 3 hackers to coordinate moving a laser cutter into Sudo Room. Reach
out to me (off list) if you'd like to help.
- - - -
Weblog: http://adammunich.com
With great power comes great responsibility.